视觉环境下的多模态化与多模态话语研究 英文【2025|PDF|Epub|mobi|kindle电子书版本百度云盘下载】

- 韦琴红著 著
- 出版社: 北京:科学出版社
- ISBN:9787030246257
- 出版时间:2009
- 标注页数:172页
- 文件大小:14MB
- 文件页数:192页
- 主题词:话语语言学-研究
视觉环境下的多模态化与多模态话语研究 英文PDF格式电子书版下载
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Chapter 1 Introduction1
1.1 What Is Multimodality?2
1.1.1 Globalization and Multimodality4
1.1.2 Multimodality and"New Writing"5
1.2 What Is Multimodal Discourse and Multimodal Discourse Analysis?7
1.3 Why Study Multimodality and Do Multimodal Discourse Analysis?8
1.4 Development of Multimodality Research8
1.5 The Scope and Design of This Book11
Chapter 2 Theoretical Background and Framework of Multimo-dalityandMultimodalDiscourse inVisual Communi-cation14
2.1 Introduction14
2.2 Multiliteracies—the Start of a New Theory15
2.2.1 Reasons for the New Theory15
2.2.2 Arguments of the New Theory17
2.2.3 Content of the New Theory17
2.3 Theoretical Framework of Visual Communication20
2.3.1 Three Semiotic Schools'Influence on Visual Communication20
2.3.2 Differences Between Earlier Semiotic Tradition and Social Semiotic Approach22
2.3.3 Kress and Van Leeuwen's Social Semiotic Framework of Visual Communication23
2.4 Summary25
Chapter 3 The Meaning of Image27
3.1 Introduction27
3.2 The Metafunctions of Image27
3.2.1 The Representational Meaning of Image28
3.2.2 The Interactive Meaning of Image39
3.2.3 The Compositional Meaning of Image42
3.3 An Image Analysis of the Visual Representation of Project Hope43
3.3.1 The Representational Meaning44
3.3.2 The Interactive Meaning45
3.3.3 The Compositional Meaning47
3.4 Summary48
Chapter 4 The Modality Meaning of Image49
4.1 Introduction49
4.2 Modality in Linguistics49
4.3 Modality in Visual Communication51
4.3.1 Modality Markers52
4.3.2 Coding Orientation—Types of Visual Modality58
4.4 A Contrastive Modality Analysis Between Two Cars Under the Same Brand61
4.4.1 A Modality Analysis of the Car in Its Technical Manual61
4.4.2 A Modality Analysis of the Car in Its Advertisement63
4.4.3 Comparison and Analysis64
4.5 Summary65
Chapter 5 The Meaning of Composition67
5.1 Introduction67
5.2 Three Principles of Composition67
5.2.1 Information Value67
5.2.2 Salience71
5.2.3 Framing73
5.3 The Compositional Meaning of Electrolux Webpage76
5.3.1 Information Value Represented by Electrolux Text77
5.3.2 Analysis of Salience78
5.3.3 Framing Meaning78
5.4 Summary79
Chapter 6 The Meaning of Color80
6.1 Introduction80
6.2 The Communicative Functions of Color80
6.2.1 The Ideational Function of Color82
6.2.2 The Interpersonal Function of Color82
6.2.3 The Textual Function of Color83
6.3 The Meaning of Color85
6.3.1 Value86
6.3.2 Saturation86
6.3.3 Purity88
6.3.4 Modulation89
6.3.5 Differentiation90
6.3.6 Hue90
6.4 Color Harmony92
6.5 A Contrastive Color Analysis Between the Homepage of Yahoo and the Homepage of Disney93
6.5.1 A Color Analysis of the Homepage of Yahoo93
6.5.2 A Color Analysis of the Homepage of Disney95
6.5.3 Comparison and Result96
6.6 Summary97
Chapter 7 The Meaning of Typography99
7.1 Introduction99
7.2 Semiotic Potentials of Typography100
7.2.1 St?cle's Attempt at Typography Grammar100
7.2.2 Van Leeuwen's Social Semiotic Approach to Typography Grammar102
7.2.3 The Meaning Potentials of Lining and Spacing110
7.3 A Multimodal Discourse Analysis of the Topic Logo of Google111
7.3.1 Introduction112
7.3.2 A Specific Analysis of the Topic Logo of Google112
7.3.3 Conclusion115
7.4 Summary117
Chapter 8 Case Study:A Multimodal Discourse Analysis of a Multimodal Text on Global Warming118
8.1 Introduction118
8.2 A Multimodal Discourse Analysis of a Multimodal Text on Global Warming119
8.2.1 The Metafunctions Presented by the Multimodal Text120
8.2.2 The Multimodal Communicative Acts of the Multimodal Text on Global Warming124
8.3 Summary127
Chapter 9 Multimodality and Multiliteracies128
9.1 Introducton128
9.2 The Understanding of Multiliteracies129
9.3 College Students'Current Awareness and Level of Multi-literacies131
9.3.1 Basic Information About Students'PPT Presentation132
9.3.2 An Analysis of the Genres Used in the PPT Presentation133
9.3.3 AnAnalysisoftheModesUsedinthePPTPresentation134
9.3.4 Tentative Conclusion137
9.4 Suggested Methods to Improve College Students'Multi-literacies138
9.5 Multiliteracies and Its Instructions to College English Teachers and Students140
9.5.1 Hypertextualized Teaching—New Thought in College English Curriculum Requirements140
9.5.2 Inner Relationship Between Multiliteracies and Hyper-textualized Teaching Thought in College English Curri-culum Requirements141
9.5.3 Instructions to College English Teachers and Students144
9.6 Summary145
Chapter 10 Conclusion147
10.1 A Summary of the Book147
10.2 Direction for Further Research150
List of Figures19
2-1 Six design elements in the meaning making process19
3-1 Action process31
3-2 Reactional process31
3-3 Speech and mental process32
3-4 Conversion process33
3-5 Narrative structures in visual communication33
3-6 Covert classificational process35
3-7 Overt classificational process35
3-8 Analytical process36
3-9 Bar graph:Deaths per ten billion passenger miles37
3-10 Symobolic attributive38
3-11 Recruitment poster40
3-12 Interactive meaning in image42
3-13 Visual representation of Project Hope44
4-1 Modality scale for color saturation53
4-2 Film poster54
4-3 Modality scale for articulation of detail55
4-4 Drink advertisement59
4-5 A self-image sketch60
4-6 Dongfengbiaozhi 207 in its technical manual61
4-7 Dongfengbiaozhi 207 in its advertisement63
5-1 The dimensions of visual space70
5-2 Cosmetic product poster72
5-3 The meaning of composition75
5-4 English version of Electrolux webpage76
6-1 Rescue Wenchuan87
6-2 Homepage of Yahoo94
6-3 Homepage of Disney95
7-1 Circuit typeface104
7-2 System network of the distinctive features of letter forms108
7-3 The ideational meaning of typography109
7-4 Topic logo of Google in memory of Father's Day113
7-5 Various topic logos of Google116
8-1 A multimodal text on global warming119
8-2 The multimodal communicative acts of the multimodal text on global warming125
9-1 Promting genre133
9-2 Visualizing genre133
9-3 Analyzing genre134
9-4 Verbal mode135
9-5 A combination of language and image modes135
9-6 Image mode136
List of Tables50
4-1 Four types of modality50
4-2 Modality analysis of Dongfengbiaozhi 207 in its technical manual62
4-3 Modality analysis of Dongfengbiaozhi 207 in its advertisement63
6-1 Features of color and their meaning potentials91
6-2 Color analysis of the homepage of Yahoo93
6-3 Color analysis of the homepage of Disney95
7-1 Typographic"grammar"—a toolkit for analysis101
7-2 Meaning potentials of text alignment111
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