中国花卉 1 首届中国花卉种苗 球 繁育推广研讨会论文集【2025|PDF|Epub|mobi|kindle电子书版本百度云盘下载】

- 陈俊愉主编 著
- 出版社: 北京:中国农业大学出版社
- ISBN:7810662503
- 出版时间:2000
- 标注页数:157页
- 文件大小:12MB
- 文件页数:170页
- 主题词:花卉(学科: 栽培) 花卉(学科: 良种繁育) 花卉 良种繁育
中国花卉 1 首届中国花卉种苗 球 繁育推广研讨会论文集PDF格式电子书版下载
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Breeding,Propagation,Production and Extension of Elite Seeds and Plants(Bulbs)in Ornamentals in China&Chen Junyu5
The Study and Progress of Heterosis Mechanism&Cheng Jinshui10
分子标记在观赏植物研究中的应用及其存在的问题和解决对策&吕英民 陈瑞丹11
The Application of Molecular Markers in Ornamental Plants and Its Problems and Counter Measures&Lü Yingmin Chen Ruidan20
我国花卉种子工程现状及发展战略&赵梁军 宿友民 王守聪21
The Current Situation and Developmental Strategy of Flower Seed Industry in China&Zhao Liangjun Su Youmin Wang Shoucong28
百日草属的种质资源及育种简史&刘丹 徐海霞 蒋文伟 阎平 王绍明 陈芳29
The Germplasm Resources of Zinnia and its Breeding History&Liu Tong Xu Haixia Jiang Wenwei Yan Ping Wang Shaoming Chen Fang35
赤霉素与脱落酸对一串红种子休眠及萌发的影响&赵梁军 曾丽36
Effects of GA3 or ABA on Seed Dormancy and Germination of Salvia splendens&Zhao Liangjun Zeng Li41
一串红新优品系&张戈 游春明42
New Selected Strains of Salvia splendens&Zhang Ge You Chunming44
万寿菊新品种选育和F1制种&宫力 刘耀忠45
New Cultivar Breeding and F1 Seed Productionin in Tagetes.erecta L&Gong Li Liu Yaozhong47
A Prelimary Study on F1 Seed Production Techniques of Aztec Marigold&Dang Dongyu49
矮牵牛一代杂种制种初探&施雪波 张西西51
Studies on Seed Production of F1 Petunia&Shi Xuebo Zhang Xixi54
深圳地区几种主要草花的引种、筛选、应用及育种初探&郭康 林永明 孙自然55
Primary Research on Introduction,Selection and Breeding of Several Herbaceous Ornamental Plants in Shenzhen&Guo Kang Lin Yongming Sun Ziran60
GA3和磁化水对仙客来种子萌发的作用&陈延 赵梁军61
Effects of Gibberellin Acid and Magnetized Water Soaking on the Seeds Germination and Seedlings Development of Cyclamen&Chen Yan Zhao Liangjun66
Seed Production Techniques of Viola tricolor var.hortensis&Cao Ye68
未来中国花卉种业的发展策略&明军 郭浩69
The Research Development of Flower Seeds in China&Ming Jun Guo Hao73
Brief Introduction on the New Technology of Flower Seed Propagation——Plug Culture&Wang Xiangchun78
利用组织培养进行花卉苗木大规模快速繁殖&郑文德 周金土 范永平 王晓东79
Mass and Rapid Propagation of Ornamental Plants through Tissue Culture&Zheng Wende Zhou Jintu Fan Yongping Wang Xaodong83
On the Collection,Propagation and Extension of Mei Flower Cultivars&Zhou Qionyu86
Selecting,Propagation and Applying More New Magnolia Cultivars for China&Wang Feigang89
四种杜鹃花的组培快繁技术研究&孙振元 徐文忠 刘淑兰 赵梁军 韩碧文90
Studies on Techniques of Tissue Culture and Rapid Propagation of Four Rhododendron Species(R.mucronulatum,R.mucronatum,R.simsii,and R.micranthum)&Sun Zhenyuan Xu Wenzhong Liu Shulan Zhao Liangjun Han Biwen95
微型月季的离体培养与快速繁殖&郑玉梅 马祎 刘青林96
In Vitro culture and rapid propagation of miniature roses&Zheng Yumei Ma Yi Liu Qinglin101
樱花组织培养工厂化育苗技术&李世忠 周子发 冷天波 张吉安102
Factory Propagation Techniques of Prunus serrulata through Tissue Culture&Li Shizhong Zhou Zifa Leng Tianpo Zhang Jian105
影响樱花离体培养不定芽发生的因素&黄海帆 刘青林106
The Factors that Affected Formation of Adventitious Bud on Prunus Serrulata in vitro&Liu Qinglin Huang Haifan110
花果兼用毛樱桃新变种——垂枝毛樱桃&冯宝元 任瑞兰 郑宏鹏 赵钰 冯莉斌 王克功 张定一 周运宁111
A New Ornamental Plant Valuable both for Flowers and Fruits:Cerasus tomentosa(Thunb.)Wall.var.pendula B.Y.Feng et S.M.Sie&Feng Baoyuan Ren Ruilan Zheng Hongpeng Zhao Yu Feng Libin Wang Kegong Zhang Dingyi Zhou Yunning114
香石竹插穗及扦插苗冷藏效果初探&桂敏 熊丽 李文宽 龙江 陈敏115
Preliminary Studies of Refrigeration Effects of Cutting sticks and Plants on Carnation Cutting&Gui Min Xiong Li Li Wenkuan Long Jiang Chen Mi120
Propagation of Daphne odora'Aureo-marginata',Ardisia crenata and Ardisia mamillata&Wu Kezhi124
Preliminary Research on the Successive Air Layering of Bougainvillea spectabilis&Tan Jinyu127
On Chaenomeles Cultivars of Yizhou Municipality&Dang Dongyu130
Two Chinese Yew Species of Baokang,Hubei Province,Their Propaga-tion and Planting Techniques as well as Applications to Curing Var-ious Cancers&Dai Zhenlun132
花烛(火鹤)快速繁殖技术初报&冷天波 赵莉 靳月笑133
Report of Micropropagation Technique in Anthurium scherzerianum&Leng Tianbo Zhao Li Jin YUexiao134
芦荟工厂化育苗及温棚栽培技术&周子发 周金土 郑文德 张吉安135
Factory Propagation and Greenhouse Cultivation of Aloe&Zhou Zifa Zhou Jintu Zheng Wende Zhang Ji'an137
花叶万年青(绿巨人)快速繁殖与栽培技术&赵莉 王晓东 石永森138
Rapid Propagation and Domestication Cultivation of Dieffenbackia picta&Zhao Li Wang Xiaodong Shi Yongsen140
郁金香种球退化的原因及其防止对策&张灿明 熊灿坤 王顺和141
A Comprehensive Research on Tulip Bulb Degeneration and Its Controlling Measures&Zhang Canming Xiong Cankun Wang Shuhuo144
郁金香在重庆的栽培技术研究&赖力 何定萍145
Studies on Culture Techniques of Tulips in Chongqing&Lai Li He Dingping149
四种球根花卉的生育特性、植物学性状及花期调控初探&桂敏 郑凌 陈敏 龙江 黎霞150
Preliminary Research on Growth and Development,Botanical Charac-ters and Flowering Period Control of Four Flower Bulbs&Gui Min Zheng Ling Chen Min Long Jiang Li Xia154
切花百合种球国产化初步试验&张全发 聂建军 刘少翔 穆鼎155
Preliminary Experiments of Domestication and Bulb Production in Lily Cultivars for Cut Flowers&Zhang Quanfa Nie Jianjun Liu Shaoxiang Mu Ding157
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