Patents and Technological Progress in a Globalized World【2025|PDF|Epub|mobi|kindle电子书版本百度云盘下载】

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- 出版时间:2009
- 标注页数:906页
- 文件大小:42MB
- 文件页数:934页
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Patents and Technological Progress in a Globalized WorldPDF格式电子书版下载
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1. Substantive Patent and Utility Model Law3
Prior Art from the Internet-A Potential Further Reason for Branching off a Utility Model from a Pending Patent Application&Alexander Klicznik3
Registration without Examination:The Utility Model-A Useful Model?&Karsten Koniger17
Nonobviousness in German Patent Nullity Proceedings&Hans-Georg Landfermann31
Tax Strategy Patents-a Tax Lawyer’s View&Wolfgang Schon49
Protection of Scientific Creations under Patent and Copyright Law&Gerhard Schricker59
Personal Rights of Inventors in the Polish Legal System&Janusz Szwaja67
The Priority Right in Patent Law-Use and Misuse?&Eike Ullmann75
2. Limitations to Intellectual Property Protection87
The Experimental Use of the Patented Invention:A Free Use or an Infringing Use?&Vincenzo Di Cataldo87
Interpreting Exceptions in Intellectual Property Law&Henrik Holzapfel and Georg Werner99
A Study on Patent Compulsory License System in China-With Particular Reference to the Drafted 3rd Amendment to the Patent Law of the P.R. of China&Xiaohai Liu115
Compulsory Licensing in Chinese Patent Law&Xiaoguang Shan127
3. Intellectual Property and Competition (Antitrust) Law 137
Deceptive Conduct in the Patent World-A Case for US Antitrust and EU Competition Law?&Josef Drexl137
Intellectual Property and Article 82 EC&Michael Kort157
Patents and Standards:The Antitrust Objection as a Defense in Patent Infringement Proceedings&Karolina Scholer177
4. Biotechnology,Pharmaceuticals,and Patent Law197
The Inadequacies of the Section 271 (e)(1) Jurisprudence of the United States Supreme Court&Martin J.Adelman197
Legal and Moral Reflections on Modern Biotechnology in Use & Misuse&Shoshana Berman209
Biotechnological Patenting and Innovation&Michael Blakeney229
Circumventing the Debate over State Policy and Property Rights:Section 3(d) of the Indian Patents Act Law&Tanuja V.Garde243
Medical Use Claims:EPC 2000 and its Impact on Prosecution and Enforcement&Hans-Rainer Jaenichen,Jurgen Meier,Niels Holder255
Purpose and Limits of the Exclusion from Patentability of Medical Methods,Especially Diagnostic Methods&Rudolf Kraber275
Special Legislation for Genetic Inventions-A Violation of Article 27(1) TRIPS?&Wolrad Prinz zu Waldeck und Pyrmont289
5. Employee Invention Law307
Effects of the German Law on Employees’Inventions when Posting Employees Within the European Union&Kurt Bartenbach,Franz-Eugen Volz,Markus J.Goetzmann307
The Finnish 2006 Act on University Inventions-The Road Map to Identifying,Protecting and Utilizing Patentable Research Results&Rainer Oesch329
University Employee Inventions in Scandinavian and Finnish Law&Are Stenvik339
6. Procedure,Enforcement,and Liability355
Patent Trolls-Menace or Myth?&Christoph Ann355
Liability 2.0 - Does the Internet environment require new standards for secondary liability?An overview of the current legal situation in Germany&Alexander Bayer356
Can China be Forced to Enforce IP Rights?&Peter Ganea379
Trade Secrets and Patent Litigation391
Reflections on the German Patent Litigation System&Peter Mes401
Enforcement of Unfair Competition Law by Notice of Violation,Rights of Consumers and Public Authorities-Comparative Evaluation of the German Status Quo&Thomas M.J.Mollers413
Two Major and Long-Lasting Patent Law Issues in Japan&Tetsuya Obuchi431
Intellectual Property Rights and Arbitration-Miscellaneous&Kresimir Sajko445
Harmonizing Patent Infringement Damages:A Lesson from Japanese Experiences&Toshiko Takenaka463
The Inescapable Trap-A Case for Reconsideration?&Rudolf Teschemacher and Jochen Pagenberg481
Patents without Injunctions?Trolls,Hold-ups,Ambushes,and Other Patent Warfare&Wolfgang yon Meibom and Ralph Nack495
7. Protecting Technology against Unfair Competition&(No) Freedom to Copy?521
Protection of Technical Features under Unfair Competition Law&Annette Kur521
Reverse Engineering:Unfair Competition or Catalyst for Innovation?&Ansgar Ohly535
8. Muitijurisdictional Aspects of IP555
Negotiations on the Accession to the EU and the Harmonization of Intellectual Property with the acquis communautaire in Light of Globalization&Igor Gliha555
Cross-border Injunctions in Patent Litigations Following the ECJ Decision in GAT v.LuK-Life after Death?&Klaus Grabinski565
Contractual Liability of the Seller Due to Third Parties’Patents and Other IP Rights under German Law and the UN Convention on Sales Contracts&Paul Katzenberger575
The Principle of National Treatment in the International Conventions Protecting Intellectual Property&Ulrich Loewenheim593
The Extraterritorial Reach of Patent Law&Rainer Moufang601
Synergies Created by International Cooperation in the Patent Area?&Jiirgen Schade619
Patents in Europe and their Court-Is there Light at the End of the Tunnel?&Michael Schneider633
Patents and Developing Countries&Peter Dirk Siemsen and Ivan Bacellar Ahlert647
Territorial Intellectual Property Rights in a Global Economy-Transit and Other ‘Free Zones’&Alexander von Muhlendahl and Dieter Stauder653
9. Recent Developments in National IP and Competition Legislation677
The Spanish Patent System:Future Outlook&Alberto Bercovitz677
Incorporation of Patent Law into Part Four of the Russian Civil Code-A Structural Analysis&Adolf Dietz687
The Quiet Revolution in American Copyright Law&Paul Goldstein703
Some Remarks On the Third Revision Draft of the Chinese Patent Law&Shoukang Guo713
Some Critical Remarks Concerning the Act on the Protection of Competition of the Republic of Serbia&Radovan D.Vukadinovic729
10. Intellectual Property and Public Policies751
Secrecy and the Evolution of an Early Patent System&William Cornish751
Legal Protection of Cultural Heritage in a World of Intellectual Property Rights&Reto M.Hilty763
Woolly Lines in Intellectual Property Law&The Rt. Hon. Sir Robin Jacob781
Economic Perils of U.S. Patent Reform:Flexibility’s Achilles Heel&F.Scott Kieff793
The Need for Climate Improvement in Intellectual Property Law&Marianne Levin811
The Patent System-Not More than an Instrument of Public Policy&Slobodan M.Markovic829
Patents and the Economic Incentive to Invent&Bojan Pretnar841
The Patent Reform Act and Recent U.S. Supreme Court Decisions-A Correction of the Intellectual Property Policies?&Stanistaw Sottysinski853
The Impact of the Amendments of the Chinese Patent System on the Technological and Economic Progress in China&Xiang Yu873
11. Bibliography of Publications by Joseph Straus887
Publications by Professor Dr. Ores. h.c. Joseph Straus887
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