An Atlas of Anatomy Second Edition【2025|PDF|Epub|mobi|kindle电子书版本百度云盘下载】

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- 出版时间:1947
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1,2 Bones of the Upper Limb,from the front and from behind2
3 Bones of the Pectoral Region and Axilla,with Muscle Attachments shown4
4 The Mammary Gland of the Female5
5 Superficial Dissection of the Pectoral Region6
6 The Clavi-pectoral (Coraco-clavicular) Fascia7
7 The Axilla,from below;Cross Section of the Arm8
8 Anterior Structures of the Axilla9
9 Posterior and Medial Walls of the Axilla10
10 The Musculo-cutaneous Nerve:The Posterior Cord of the Brachial Plexus:The Posterior Wall of the Axilla11
11 The Brachial Plexus:The Ligaments of the Clavicle12
12 The Upper Arm or Brachium,medial view13
13 Variations-Absence of Sternocostal Head of Pectoralis Majors:Sternalis Muscle:Axillary Arch:Pectoralis Minor inserted into Humerus14
14 Variations-Coracobrachialis Superior:Attrition of Biceps Tendon:Biceps Brachii with a Third Head:High Division of Brachial Artery15
16 The Scapular Region17
17 The Supraspinous and Subdeltoid Regions18
18 The Dermatomes of the Upper Parts of the Body19
19,20 The Cutaneous Nerves of the Upper Limb,back view and front view20
21 The Superficial Veins of the Upper Limb22
22,23 The Superficial Veins of the Hand23
24,25 Schemes of the Motor Distribution of the Nerves of the Limb24
26 Bones of the Upper Limb showing Muscle Attachments,front view26
27 Bones of the Upper Limb showing Muscle Attachments,posterior view27
28 Muscles of the Arm,lateral view28
29 The Posterior Scapular and Subdeltoid Regions29
30 Triceps and its Three Related Nerves (Circumflex,Radial,Ulnar),posterior view30
31 Synovial Capsule of Shoulder Joint:Ligaments at Lateral End of Clavicle31
32 The Glenoid Cavity,lateral view:Correct Orientation of the Scapula32
33 The Glenoid Cavity and the Relations of the Shoulder Joint,side view33
34 Interior of the Shoulder Joint,viewed from behind34
35,36 Variations-Unfused Acromial Epiphysis:Attrition of Supraspinatus Tendon35
37,38 The Anastomoses of the Brachial Artery,anterior and posterior views36
39 Superficial Structures at the Front of the Elbow38
40 The Cubital Fossa39
41 Deeper Structures at the Front of the Elbow40
42-44 Variations-Supracondylar Process:Supratrochlear Foramen;Superficial Ulnar Artery41
45 Cross Sections of Humerus,Radius,and Ulna42
45,47 Bones of the Elbow Region,anterior view and posterior view43
48 The Medial Ligament of the Elbow Joint (Ulnar Collateral Lig.)44
49 The Lateral Ligament of the Elbow Joint (Radial Collateral Lig.)44
50 Flexor Aspect of Radius and Ulna:Ligaments of the Radio-ulnar Joints,Interosseous Arteries45
51 Socket for Head of Radius and Trochlea of Humerus,from above46
52 Synovial Capsule of the Elbow and Superior Radio-ulnar Joints,Injected with Wax,anterior view46
53 Cross Section through the Elbow Joint47
54,55 The Elbow,from behind-I and II48
56 Bones of the Forearm and Hand showing Muscle Attachments,anterior view50
57 Superficial the Forearm and Hand showing Muscle Attachments,anterior view51
58 Flexor Digitorum Sublimis and its Related Structures52
59 The Deep Flexors of the Digits and the Related Structures53
60 Bones of the Hand,palmar aspect54
61 Tracing of an X-ray Photograph of an Extended Hand54
62 Structures at the Front of the Wrist55
63 Superficial Dissection of the Palm56
64 Thenar and Hypothenar Muscles:Lumbricals;Distribution of the Median Nerve:Cutaneous Ligaments of the Fingers57
65 The Synovial Sheaths of the Long Flexor Tendons of the Digits58
66 Attachments of the Palmar Aponeurosis:Palmar Digital Vessels and Nerves59
67 Deep Dissection of the Palm60
68 Deep Dissection of the Palm and Digits:The Ulnar Nerve61
69-71 The Radial Aspect of the Wrist-I,II,and III62
72 The Bones of the Radial Aspect of the Hand,showing Muscle Attachments63
73 Bones of the Forearm and Hand showing Muscle Attachments,posterior view64
74 Superficial Muscles of Extensor Region of Forearm;Arteries on Dorsum of Hand65
75 Exposure of the Deep Structures at the Back of the Forearm:The Three Outcropping Thumb Muscles,postero-lateral view66
76,77 The Ulnar Border of the Wrist-I and II67
78 The Bones of the Ulnar Border of the Hand,showing Muscle Attachments67
79 The Cutaneous Nerves of the Dorsum of the Hand68
80 Patterns of the Cutaneous Nerves of the Hand69
81,82 Variations-Communicating Branch from Ulnar Nerve to Median Nerve:Persisting Median Artery70
83 Bones of the Hand,dorsal aspect70
84 The Synovial Sheaths of the Tendons at the Back of the Wrist70
85 The Tendons on the Dorsum of the Hand and the Extensor Retinaculum (Dorsal Carpal Lig)71
86,87 The Extensor (Dorsal) Expansion of the Middle Digit,dorsal view and side view72
88 Ligaments of Distal Radio-ulnar,Radio-carpal and Intercarpal Joints,front view73
89 The Surfaces of the Radio-carpal or Wrist Joint,opened from the front74
90 The Lowe Ends of Radium and Ulna,from below75
91 The Articular Disc of the Distal Radio-ulnar Joint,from below75
92 The Surfaces of the Transverse Intercarpal (Mid-carpal) Joint76
93 The Carpal Bones and the Bases of the Metacarpal Bones,front view77
94 The Metacarpo-phalangeal and Interphalangeal Joints78
95 The Bones of the Upper Limb at Birth:The Epiphyses of the Scapula79
96 The Epiphysis of the Proximal End of the Humerus80
97 The Epiphyses at the Elbow Region81
98 The Epiphyses at the Wrist and Hand82
99 Variations-Separate Styloid Process of 3rd Metacarpal;Fused Lunate and Triquetrum82
100 The Grasping Hand83
101,102 The Anterior Abdominal Wall-Ⅰ and Ⅱ86
103 The Lateral Cutaneous Nerves88
104 The Inguinal Ligament,antero-inferior view89
105-108 The Inguinal Region-Ⅰ,Ⅱ,Ⅲ,and IV90
109-112 Stages in the Dissection of the Female Inguinal Canal94
113 Inguinal Canal:Femoral Sheath:Coverings of the Spermatic Cord96
114 The Testis on Cross Section97
115 Scheme of the Inguinal Canal97
116 Testis,lateral view98
117 Coverings of the Spermatic Cord:Efferent Ductules of Testis98
118 Epididymis99
119 Blood Supply of the Testis99
120 The Abdominal Contents,undisturbed100
121 The Stomach and the Omenta,front vies101
122 Diagrams of (a) the Attachments of the Lesser Omentum (b) the Vertical Extent of the Lesser Sac,and (c) the Horizontal extent of the Lessser Sac102
123 Diagram of the Peritoneal Ligaments of the Liver103
124 The Stomach,front view104
125 The Mucous Membrane of the Stomach104
126 The Muscle Coat of the Stomach,from within105
127 Scheme of the Distribution of the Coeliac Artery105
128 Dissection of the Arteries of the Stomach and Spleen106
129 The Vagus Nerves within the Abdomen107
130 The Stomach Bed108
131 The Spleen,visceral surface:An Accessory Spleen109
132 The Inferior and Posterior Surfaces of the Liver110
133 The Porta Hepatis and the Cystic Artery111
134 variations in the Hepatic Arteries112
135 A Stage in the Exposure of the (Common) Bile Duct,embryological approach113
136 Duodenum and Pancreas in situ,front view114
137 The Duodenum,Pancreas and bile Duct,from behind115
138,139 The Blood Supply to Pancreas,Duodenum,and Spleen116
140 The Extra-hepatic Bile Passages and the Pancreatic Ducts118
141 Variations in the Length and Course of the Cystic Duct119
142 A bifid Gall Bladder119
143 The Blood Supply to the bile Passages120
144 Transverse Section through the Abdomen121
145 The Superior Mesenteric Artery122
146 The Inferior Mesenteric Artery123
147 The Intestines124
148 Structures on the Posterior Abdominal Wall125
149 Blood Supply of the Small Intestine126
150 Pylorus:Interior of the Small Intestine127
151 The Ileo-caecal Region128
152 The Interior of a Dried Caecum128
153 A Meckel's Diverticulum128
154,155 Variations-Duodenal Diverticula:Vermiform Appendix129
156 Section of the Liver,approximately horizontal130
157-159 Posterior Abdominal Wall-Ⅰ,Ⅱ and Ⅲ131
160,161 The Posterior Abdominal Viscera and their Peritoneal Relations-Ⅰ and Ⅱ134
162 Great vessels;Kidneys:Suprarenals136
163 Coeliac Plexus,Coeliac Ganglia,and Suprarenal Glands137
164-166 Right Kidney,front view:Sinus of Kidney:Structure of the Kidney138
167 The Blood Supply to the Ureter139
168 Varieties of Renal Pelves140
169 Anomalies of the Kidney and Ureter141
170 A Persisting Left Inferior Vena Cava141
171 Posterior Abdominal Wall:Lumbar Plexus142
172 The Diaphragm,viewed from below143
173 Right Coeliac Ganglion,Splanchnic Nerves,and Sympathetic Trunk144
174 Male Perineum146
175 Dissection of Sphincter Ani Externus147
176 The Lower Parts of the Genital and Urinary Tracts in the Male148
177 The Dissection of the Penis148
178 The Penis,side view149
179 Section across the Root of the Penis150
180 The Vessels of th Penis:The Perineal Membrane150
181 The Male True Pelvis and Surroundings,from the front151
182 The Male Pelvis,in median section152
183 The Sphincter Ani Externus and Levator Ani153
184 Coronal Section of the Male Pelvis,just in front of the rectum.View of the anterior portion from behind154
185 The Seminal Vesicle,unravelled155
186 The Bladder,Vasa Deferentia,Seminal Vesicles and Prostatic Urethra155
187 Interior of the Male Urinary Bladder and Prostatic Urethra155
188 Levatores Ani and Coccygei,from above157
189 The Side Wall of the Male True Pelvis158
190 The Iliac Arteries and their Branches,side view159
191 Normal and Abnormal Obturator Arteries159
192 The Sacral & Coccygeal Nerve Plexuses,antero-median vies160
193 Diagram of the Nerve Supply to the bladder and Urethra161
194 Diagram of the Pudendal Nerve161
195 Muscles of the True Pelvis (male specimen)162
196 Walls of the Pelvis (female specimen)163
197,198 Male Pelvis,from the front and from above164
199,200 Female Pelvis,from the front and from above165
201 The Hip Bone,medial aspect:The Sacrum and Coccyx,lateral aspect166
202 Synostosis of the Sacro-iliac Joint166
203 The Clitoris167
204,205 The Female Perineum167
206 The Uterus and Its Appurtenances,from behind168
207 The Female True Pelvis,from above169
208 Female Genital Organs,from the front170
209 The Female True Pelvis,in median section171
210 The Floor of the Female Pelvis,from above172
211,212 Bones of the Lower Limb,front view and posterior view174
213 Cross Sections of Femur,Tibia,and Fibula176
214-216 The Superficial Veins of the Lower Limb177
217 Scheme of the Motor Distribution of the Nerves of the Lower Limb180
218 The Blood Supply to the Sciatic Nerve181
219,220 The Cutaneous Nerves of the Lower Limb,front view and back view182
221 The Dermatomes of the Lower Limb184
222 The Inguinal Lymph Glands (Nodes)185
223,224 The Superficial Inguinal Vessels:The Saphenous Opening186
225,226 The Femoral Sheath:The Valves in the Femoral and Saphenous Veins187
227 Transverse Section through the Thigh,at level of Hip Joint188
228 The Femoral Sheath189
229 The Femoral Triangle190
230 The Floor of the Femoral Triangle191
231,232 Muscles of the Front of the Thigh-Ⅰ and Ⅱ192
233 Dissection of the Front of the Thigh194
234 Cross Section through the Thigh,female195
235,236 Bones of the Lower Limb showing Muscle Attachments front view and back view196
237 Muscles of the Gluteal Region and Back of the Thigh198
238 The Ham Muscles198
239 The Adductor Magnus,from behind199
240,241 The Gluteal Region and the Back of the Thigh-Ⅰ and Ⅱ200
242 The Obturator Muscles,from behind202
243 The Bony and Ligamentous Parts of the Gluteal Region:Certain Landmarks203
244,245 The Hip Joint,from the front and from behind204
246 The Acetabulum and the Surrounding Parts,showing Muscle Attachments206
247 The Hip Bone in Youth,external aspect206
248,249 Upper End of Femur showing Muscle Attachments,anterior and posterior aspects207
250 The Hip Joint on Coronal Section,partly schematic208
251 The Socket for the Head of the Femur209
252 Superficial Dissection of the Popliteal Fossa210
253 The Nerves of the Popliteal Fossa (Popliteal Space)211
254 Step Dissection of the Popliteal Fossa (Popliteal Space)212
255 Bones of the Knee Joint showing Muscle Attachments,from behind213
256,257 The Posterior Cruciate Ligament:The Anterior Cruciate Ligament214
258 Ligaments of the Knec Joint,from behind214
259 The Superior Surface of the Tibia:The Cruciate Ligaments and the Semilunar Cartilages215
260 Bones of the Knee Joint showing Muscle Attachments,lateral view216
261 Dissection of the Knee,lateral aspect216
262 Bones of the Knee Joint showing Muscle Attachments,medial view217
263 Dissection of the Knee,medial aspect217
264 The Knee Joint,opened from the front218
265 The Ligaments of the Knee Joint,front view219
266,267 Distended Knee Joint,lateral view and posterior view220
268 The Tibia and Fibula,opposed aspects222
269 Muscles of the Leg and Foot,side view223
270 The Front of the Leg224
271 The Arteries and Nerves of the Front of the Leg and Dorsum of the Foot225
272,273 The Dorsum of the Foot,front view and lateral view226
274 The Synovial Sheaths of the Tendons at the Ankle,antero-lateral view228
275 Cross Section through the Leg,male229
276,277 The Foot Bones,dorsal aspect and plantar aspect230
278,279 The Foot Bones,medial aspect and lateral aspect232
280 The Bones of the Leg,posterior view233
281 Bones of the Leg showing Muscle Attachments,posterior view234
282 The Muscles of the Leg,posterior view235
283 The Back of the Leg,deep structures undisturbed236
284 The Back of the Leg,deep structures displayed237
285 The Medial Side of the Ankle and Heel238
286 The Ankle Joint,posterior view239
287 Variations-Relationship of Sciatic Nerve to Piriformis:Nutrient Canals:Bipartite Patella:Fabella240
288 Variations-Absence of Posterior Tibial Artery:High Division of Popliteal Artery:Irregular Dorsalis Pedis Artery241
289 Superficial Dissection of the Sole of the Foot242
290 Diagram of the Arteries of the Sole of the Foot242
291 The First Layer of Muscles of the Sole:Digital Nerves and Arteries243
292 The Second Layer of Muscles of the Sole244
293 The Foot Raised as in Walking,medial view245
294 The Third Layer of Muscles of the Sole246
295 The Fourth Layer of Muscles of the Sole247
296 The Ankle Joint and the Joints of the Foot,dorsal view248
297 The Articular Surfaces of the Ankle Joint249
298,299 Distended Ankle Joint,anterior view and posterior view250
300 Ligaments of the Joints in which the Two Large Tarsal Bones partake,lateral view251
301 Ligaments of the Ankle Joint and Joints of the Foot,medial view252
302 The Sockets for the Talus,supero-lateral vies:The Joints at which Inversion and Eversion occur253
303 The Ligaments of the Sole:The Insertions of the Tendons-Ⅰ254
304 The Ligaments of the Sole-Ⅱ255
305 The Bones of the Foot,upper or dorsal aspect256
306 The Bony Surfaces of the Talo-calcanean Joints257
307 The Bony Surfaces of the Transverse Tarsal Joint257
308 The Bony Surfaces of the Cuneo-navicular and Cubo-navicular Joints258
309 The Bony Surfaces of the Tarso-metatarsal Joints258
310 The Bony Surfaces of the Inter-cuneiform and Inter-metatarsal Joints259
311 The Bones of the Lower Limb at Birth:Epiphyses of Hip Bone260
312 Epiphyses at the Proximal End of the Femur261
313 Epiphyses in the Region of the Knee Joint262
314 Longitudinal Sections through Feet of Children:Distal Epiphyses of the Tibia and Fibula263
315 Variations-Os Trigonum:Sesamoid Bones in Tibialis Posterior and Peroneus Longus:Bipartite Medial Cuneiform Bone:Long and Short 1st Metatarsal Bones264
316 The functions of the Constitutent Parts of a Vertebra268
317,318 A Vertebra,from above and on side view269
319-322 A Vertebra at Birth,in Childhood,in Adolescence,and of a Sheep270
323,324 The Vertebral Column,side view and anterior view271
325 Diagram of the Homologous Parts of the Vertebrae272
326 The Distinguishing Features and the Movements of the Free Vertebrae273
327-329 The Cervical Vertebrae,from above,front view and side view274
330,331 The Thoracic Vertebrae,side view and from above276
332-334 The Lumbar Vertebrae,from above,from behind and on side view278
335-337 The Sacrum and Coccyx,anterior view,in Youth,posterior view280
338 A Half Vertebra282
339 Instances of Failure of the Two Halves of a Vertebral Arch to undergo Synostosis282
340 Instances of Congenital (non-pathological) Synostosis' between Two"Vertebrae"282
341 A Transitional Lumbo-sacral Vertebra283
342,343 A Bipartite Fifth Lumbar Vertebra:Spondylolisthesis283
344 Diagram of an Intervertebral Disc (Fibro-cartilage)284
345,346 An Intervertebral Disc and Ligaments,on cross section and on median section284
347 An Intervertebral Disc,side view286
348 The Anterior Longitudinal Ligament and the Ligamenta Flava,anterior view287
349 The Posterior Longitudinal Ligament,posterior view288
350 Diagram of the Vertebral Venous Plexus288
351,352 The Bony Thorax,anterior aspect and posterior aspect290
353,354 The Sternum,front view and side view292
355 A Young Sternum293
356-358 A Common Form of Sternum:A Sternal Foramen:A Low Sternal Angle293
359 Typical Ribs,seen from behind294
360 Peculiar or Atypical Ribs:1st,2nd,11th and 12th,viewed from above295
361-363 Cervical Ribs:Bicipital Rib:Bifid Rib296
364 The Chondro-sternal Joints,anterior view297
365 Diagram of an Intercostal Space297
366 The Anterior Wall of the Thorax298
367 The Anterior Thoracic Wall,from behind299
368 The Anterior Ends of the Intercostal Spaces,front view300
369 The Posterior End of an Intercostal Space,from behind301
370 The Vertebral End of an Intercostal Space,and the Costo-vertebral Ligaments,anterior view302
371 The Lungs and Pericardium,anterior view303
372 The Lungs,lateral views303
373 The Mediastinal Surface of the Right Lung304
374 The Mediastinal Surface of the Left Lung305
375 The Right Side of th Mediastinum306
376 The left side of the Mediastinum307
377 The Cervical Pleura,from below308
378 The Diaphragm and the Pericardial Sac,from above309
379 The Pericardial Sac in Relation to the Sternum310
380 The Sterno-costal Surface of the Heart and Great Vessels,in situ311
381 The Heart and Great Vessels,removed en masse,sternocostal aspect312
382 The Heart and Great Vessels,removed en masse,posterior aspect313
383 The Excised Heart,viewed from above314
384 Diagram of the Coronary (Cardiac) Arteries315
385 Diagram of the Cardiac Veins315
386 Some Varieties of Coronary Arteries315
387 The Heart,viewed from behind316
388 The Interior of the Pericardial Sac,anterior view317
389 The Posterior Relations of the Heart and Pericardium318
390 The Interior of the right Atrium,antero-lateral view319
391 The Interior of the Right Ventricle320
392 The Interior of the Left Ventricle321
393 Diagram of the Right Atrio-ventricular or Tricuspid Valve322
394 diagrams of the Aortic Valve322
395 The Aortic Valve,closed,ventricular aspect322
396 Interior of the Aortic Arch,showing the mouths of its three branches323
397 Scheme to Explain the Nomenclature of the Cusps of the Aortic and Pulmonary Valves (Semilunar) on a developmental Basis323
398 Variations in Origin of the branches of the Aortic Arch323
399 Scheme of Varieties of Aortic Arches324
400 Variation-Specimen of a Double Aortic Arch,in an adult324
401 Variation-The Right Subclavian Artery,arising as the Fourth Branch of the Aortic Arch324
402 Variation-Persisting Left Superior Vena Cava325
403 The Thymus (Gland):Superior Mediastinum-Ⅰ326
404 The Root of the Neck:Superior Mediastinum-Ⅱ327
405 The Pulmonary Arteries:Superior Mediastinum-Ⅲ328
406 The Bronchi:Superior Mediastinum-Ⅳ329
407 Oesophagus,Trachea and Aorta,thoracic parts,anterior view330
408 The Thoracic Duct331
409,410 The Arterial Supply to the Trachea and Oesophagus332
411 The Azygos System of Veins334
412 Anomaly-The Lobe of the Azygos Vein335
413 Diagram of the Nerve Supply to the Diaphragm335
414 The Rotatores and the Costo-transverse Ligaments336
415,416 The Skull,front view (Norma Frontalis)338
417,418 The Skull,from the side (Norma Lateralis)340
419 The Muscles of Expression and the Arteries of the Face,side view342
420,421 The Cartilage of the Right Auricle:The Auricle of the Opposite Side343
422 The Face:Terminal branches of the Facial Nerve,side view344
423,424 The Cartilages of the Nose in situ and separated by dissection345
425 The Cutaneous Branches of the Trigeminal Nerve:Dissection of the Eyelid346
426 Diagram of the Sensory Nerves of the Face,front view347
427 Posterior Triangle of the Neck:Superficial Structures-Ⅰ348
428 Posterior Triangle of the Neck:Motor Nerves deep to the Fascial Carpet-Ⅱ349
429 Posterior Triangle of the Neck:Omohyoid and its Fascia-Ⅲ350
430 Posterior Triangle of the Neck:Brachial Plexus and Subclavian Vessels-Ⅳ351
431 The Brachial Plexus352
432 The Superficial Muscles of the Back353
433 The Intermediate Muscles of the Back354
434 The Deep Muscles of the Back355
435 The Skull,from behind (Norma Occipitalis)356
436 The Development of the Occipital Bone357
437,438 Variations-Paramastoid Process:Interparietal Bone (Os Incac)357
439 The Suboccipital Region358
440 The Suboccipital Triangle359
441 Cross Section through the Nuchal Region360
442 The Cranial Nerves,exposed from behind361
443,444 The Posterior Cranial Fossa,from behind362
445 Multifidus:Quadratus Lumborum:Lumbar Fascia364
446 The Lumbar (Lumbo-dorsal) Fascia and the Muscles of the Back,on cross section365
447 The Lower End of the Dural Sac,from behind366
448 The Spinal Cord within Its Membranes,exposed from behind367
449 Diagram of the Spinal Cord,in situ367
450 Skulls,viewed from above368
451 Surface Anatomy of the Cranium368
452 Schemes of the Arteries and Nerves of the Scalp369
453 The Diploic Veins369
454 The External Surface of the Dura Mater:Arachnoid Granulations370
455 The Folds of the Dura Mater371
456 A Stage in the Removal of the Brain372
457 The Base of the Brain:The Superficial Origins of the Cranial Nerves373
458 The Interior of the Base of the Skull374
459 The Interior of the Base of the Skull375
460 The Crescent of Foramina in Middle Cranial Fossa376
461 The Temporal Bone,in its setting,at the interior of the base of the skull376
462 The Middle and Posterior Cranial Fossae, from above377
463 The Nerves in the Middle Cranial Fossa-Ⅰ378
464 The Nerves in the Middle Cranial Fossa-Ⅱ379
465 The Orbital Cavity380
466 The Orbital Cavity, dissected from the front381
467 The Orbital Cavity, dissected f rom above-Ⅰ382
468 The Orbital Cavity, dissected from above -Ⅱ383
469 The Eyeball and the Attachments of the Four Recti Oculi,front view384
470 The Eyeball and the Attachments of the Two Obliqui Oculi,posterior view384
471 The Actions of the Six Ocular Muscles385
472 Diagram of the Ophthalamic Artery386
473 Diagram of the Motar Nerves of the Orbit386
474 The Platysma, front view387
475 The Median Part of the Front of the Neck-Ⅰ388
476 The Median Part of the Front of the Neck:The Deressors of the Larnx-Ⅱ389
477 The Front of the Neck: The Depressors of the Larynx: The Thyroid Gland-Ⅲ390
478 The Front of the Neck: The Thyroid Gland-Ⅳ391
479 The Root of the Neck, right side392
480 Anomalous Right Recurrent Laryngeal Nerve393
481 The Termination of the Thoracic Duct394
482 Root of the Neck, left side395
483 The Thyroid Gland-Variations and Anomalies396
484 The Anterior Triangle of the Neck, superficial dissection-Ⅰ397
485 Variations in the Origin of the Lingual Atrery398
486 The Anterior Triangle of the Neck, deeper dissection-Ⅱ399
487 Diagram of the Superficial Veins of the Neck400
488 Diagram of the Carotid Arteries and their Branches in the Neck400
489 Diagram of the Internal Jugular Veinand its Tributaries400
490 A Large Connecting Vein401
491 Variable Relationships of the Accessory, Descendens Cervicalis, and Phrenic Nerves to the Great Veins401
492 The Suprahyoid Region-Ⅰ402
493 The Suprahyoid Region-Ⅱ403
494 The Suprahyoid Region-Ⅲ404
495 The Suprahyoid Region-Ⅳ405
496 The Parotid Region-Ⅱ406
497 The Parotid Bed: The Temporal Muscle: the Auricular Vessels and Nerves-Ⅲ407
498 The Structures Deep to the Parotid Bed-Ⅳ408
499 The Mandible, external surface409
500 The Mandible,internal surface409
501 The Mental Foramen, in edentulous jaws409
502 The Lateral Wall of the Infratemporal Fossa410
503 The Roof and the Medial and Anterior Walls of the Infratemporal Fossa411
504 The Infratemporal Fossa,superficial dissection-Ⅰ412
505 The Infratemporal Fossa,deeper dissection-Ⅱ413
506 Diagram of the Internal Maxillary Artery414
507,508 Variations-Tortuous Internal Carotid Artery:Suprascapular and Transverse Cervical Arteries414
509 Variations-Abnormal Vertebral Artery:Suprasternal Ossicles:Scalenus Minimus415
510 The Prevertebral Region:The Root of the Neek416
511 The Ligaments of the Atlanto-axial and Atlanto-occipital Joints,on median section417
512 The Atlas and its Transverse Ligament,and the Axis,from above417
513 The Structures seen through the Foramen Magnum,from above418
514 The Ligaments of the Atlanto-axial and Atlanto-occipital Joints,from behind419
515 The Exterior of the Base of the Skull420
516 A Pencil passed across the Base of the Skull421
517 The Oblique Line at the Base of the Skull421
518 The Anterior and Posterior Transverse Lines at the Base of the Skull421
519 The Pharynx and the Last Four Cranial Nerves,from behind422
520 The Pharyngeal Muscles and the Buccinator,side view423
521 The Interior of the Pharynx,from behind424
522 The Bony Palate425
523 Dissection of the Palate,from below425
524 Transverse Section through the Head426
525 The Tonsil (Palatine Tonsil),medial and lateral views427
526 A Dissection of the Palate427
527 The Interior of the Pharynx,side view-Ⅰ428
528 The Interior of the Pharynx dissected,side view-Ⅱ429
529 Deep Dissection of the Tonsil Bed-Ⅲ430
530 The Superior and Middle Constrictors of the Pharynx,from within-Ⅳ431
531,532 Coronal Section through the Head432
533 Diagram of the Nerve Supply of the Tongue434
534 The dorsum of the Tongue434
535 The Floor of the Mouth,on median section434
536 The Hyoid bone,showing its parts and muscle attachments435
537 The Floor and Side of the Mouth435
538 An Incisor Tooth,on longitudinal section436
539 A Molar Tooth,on longitudinal section436
540,541 The Upper Teeth and their Sockets:The Lower Teeth and their Sockets436
542 The Septum of the Nose437
543 Diagram of the Nerve Supply of the Lateral Wall of the Nose437
544,545 The Bones of the Lateral Wall of the Nose-Ⅰ and Ⅱ438
546 The Lateral Wall of the Nose-Ⅰ439
547 The Lateral Wall of the Nose,dissected-Ⅱ440
548 The Paranasal Air Sinuses441
549 Variations in the Maxillary Air Sinus442
550 Scheme of the Ethmoidal Air Sinuses443
551 The Air sinuses surrounding the Cribriform Plate443
552,553 The Frontal Air Sinuses,from the front and from below443
554 Thyroid Cartilage:Crico-thyroideus444
555-557 The Skeleton of the Larynx,from the side,from behind and from above445
558 Thyroid Gland,Parathyroid Glands,and Three Laryngeal Nerves448
559 The Muscles of the Pharynx,Larynx,and Oesophagus,posterior view449
560 The Muscles and Nerves of the Larynx,and the Crico-thyroid Joint,side view450
561 The Larynx,side view451
562 The Hyo-epiglottic Ligament,from above452
563 The Larynx,from above452
564 The Interior of the Larynx,posterior view453
565 The Saccule of the Larynx454
566 A Diagram of the Tegmen Tympani454
567 A General Scheme of the Ear455
568 The Lateral Half of the Tympanic Cavity456
569 The Medial Half of the Tympanic Cavity457
570 The Mastoid Air Cells:The Venous Sinuses around the Petrous Bone458
571 The Pharyngo-tympanic Tube (Auditory Tube)459
572 The Temporal Bone at Birth,lateral view460
573 The Temporal Bone at Birth,posterior view460
574 The Semicircular Canals,lateral view461
575 The Bony Labyrinth,lateral view,left side462
576 The Membranous Labyrinth,lateral view,left side463
577 Cross Sections through the Mandible464
578,579 The Skull at Birth,front view and side view465
580 scheme of the Distribution of the Olfactory Nerve466
581 Scheme of the Distribution of the Optic Nerve466
582 Scheme of the Distribution of the Oculomotor,Trochlear,and Abducent Nerves467
583-585 Schemes of the Distribution of the Trigeminal Nerve468
586 Scheme of the Distribution of the Facial Nerve470
587 Scheme of the Distribution of the Auditory or Acoustic Nerve471
588 Scheme of the Distribution of the Glossopharyngeal Nerve472
589 Scheme of the Distribution of the Vagus Nerve473
590 Scheme of the Distribution of the Spinal Part of the Accessory Nerve474
591 Scheme of the Distribution of the Hypoglossal Nerve475
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