AN INTRODUCTION TO FLUID DYNAMICS【2025|PDF|Epub|mobi|kindle电子书版本百度云盘下载】

- [英]George K.Batchelor著 著
- 出版社: 机械工业出版社
- ISBN:7111139933
- 出版时间:2004
- 标注页数:615页
- 文件大小:40MB
- 文件页数:656页
- 主题词:流体动力学-英文
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Chapter 1. The Physical Properties of Fluids1
1.1 Solids, liquids and gases1
1.2 The continuum hypothesis4
1.3 Volume forces and surface forces acting on a fluid7
Representation of surface forces by the stress tensor9
The stress tensor in a fluid at rest12
1.4 Mechanical equilibrium of a fluid14
A body ‘floating’ in fluid at rest16
Fluid at rest under gravity18
1.5 Classical thermodynamics20
1.6 Transport phenomena28
The linear relation between flux and the gradient of a scalar intensity30
The equations for diffusion and heat conduction in isotropic media at rest32
Molecular transport of momentum in a fluid36
1.7 The distinctive properties of gases37
A perfect gas in equilibrium38
Departures from the perfect-gas laws45
Transport coefficients in a perfect gas47
Other manifestations of departure from equilibrium of a perfect gas50
1.8 The distinctive properties of liquids53
Equilibrium properties55
Transport coefficients57
1.9 Conditions at a boundary between two media60
Surface tension60
Equilibrium shape of a boundary between two stationary fluids63
Transition relations at a material boundary68
Chapter 2. Kinematics of the Flow Field71
2.1 Specification of the flow field71
Differentiation following the motion of the fluid72
2.2 Conservation of mass73
Use of a stream function to satisfy the mass-conservation equation75
2.3 Analysis of the relative motion near a point79
Simple shearing motion83
2.4 Expression for the velocity distribution with specified rate of expansion and vorticity84
2.5 Singularities in the rate of expansion. Sources and sinks88
2.6 The vorticity distribution92
Line vortices93
Sheet vortices96
2.7 Velocity distributions with zero rate of expansion and zero vorticity99
Conditions for ▽φ to be determined uniquely102
Irrotational solenoidal flow near a stagnation point105
The complex potential for irrotational solenoidal flow in two dimensions106
2.8 Irrotational solenoidal flow in doubly-connected regions of space108
Conditions for ▽φ to be determined uniquely112
2.9 Three-dimensional flow fields extending to infinity114
Asymptotic expressions for uoand uv114
The behaviour of φ at large distances117
Conditions for ▽φ to be determined uniquely119
The expression of φ as a power series120
Irrotational solenoidal flow due to a rigid body in translational motion122
2.10 Two-dimensional flow fields extending to infinity124
Irrotational solenoidal flow due to a rigid body in translational motion128
Chapter 3. Equations Governing the Motion of a Fluid131
3.1 Material integrals in a moving fluid131
Rates of change of material integrals133
Conservation laws for a fluid in motion135
3.2 The equation of motion137
Use of the momentum equation in integral form138
Equation of motion relative to moving axes139
3.3 The expression for the stress tensor141
Mechanical definition of pressure in a moving fluid141
The relation between deviatoric stress and rate-of-strain for a Newtonian fluid142
The Navier-Stokes equation147
Conditions on the velocity and stress at a material boundary148
3.4 Changes in the internal energy of a fluid in motion151
3.5 Bernoulli’s theorem for steady flow of a frictionless non-conducting fluid156
Special forms of Bernoulli’s theorem161
Constancy of H across a transition region in one-dimensional steady flow163
3.6 The complete set of equations governing fluid flow164
Isentropic flow165
Conditions for the velocity distribution to be approximately solenoidal167
3.7 Concluding remarks to chapters 1,2 and 3171
Chapter 4. Flow of a Uniform Incompressible Viscous Fluid174
4.1 Introduction174
Modification of the pressure to allow for the effect of the body force176
4.2 Steady unidirectional flow179
Poiseuille flow180
Tubes of non-circular cross-section182
Two-dimensional flow182
A model of a paint-brush183
A remark on stability185
4.3 Unsteady unidirectional flow186
The smoothing-out of a discontinuity in velocity at a plane187
Plane boundary moved suddenly in a fluid at rest189
One rigid boundary moved suddenly and one held stationary190
Flow due to an oscillating plane boundary191
Starting flow in a pipe193
4.4 The Ekman layer at a boundary in a rotating fluid195
The layer at a free surface197
The layer at a rigid plane boundary199
4.5 Flow with circular streamlines201
4.6 The steady jet from a point source of momentum205
4.7 Dynamical similarity and the Reynolds number211
Other dimensionless parameters having dynamical significance215
4.8 Flow fields in which inertia forces are negligible216
Flow in slowly-varying channels217
Lubrication theory219
The Hele-Shaw cell222
Percolation through porous media223
Two-dimensional flow in a corner224
Uniqueness and minimum dissipation theorems227
4.9 Flow due to a moving body at small Reynolds number229
A rigid sphere230
A spherical drop of a different fluid235
A body of arbitrary shape238
4.10 Oseen’s improvement of the equation for flow due to moving bodies at small Reynolds number240
A rigid sphere241
A rigid circular cylinder244
4.11 The viscosity of a dilute suspension of small particles246
The flow due to a sphere embedded in a pure straining motion248
The increased rate of dissipation in an incompressible suspension250
The effective expansion viscosity of a liquid containing gas bubbles253
4.12 Changes in the flow due to moving bodies as R increases from I to about Ioo255
Chapter 5. Flow at Large Reynolds Number:Effects of Viscosity264
5.1 Introduction264
5.2 Vorticity dynamics266
The intensification of vorticity by extension of vortex-lines270
5.3 Kelvin’s circulation theorem and vorticity laws for an inviscid fluid273
The persistence of irrotationality276
5.4 The source of vorticity in motions generated from rest277
5.5 Steady flows in which vorticity generated at a solid surface is prevented by convection from diffusing far away from it282
(a) Flow along plane and circular walls with suction through the wall282
(b) Flow toward a ‘stagnation point’ at a rigid boundary285
(c) Centrifugal flow due to a rotating disk290
5.6 Steady two-dimensional flow in a converging or diverging channel294
Purely convergent flow297
Purely divergent flow298
Solutions showing both outflow and inflow301
5.7 Boundary layers302
5.8 The boundary layer on a flat plate308
5.9 The effects of acceleration and deceleration of the external stream314
The similarity solution for an external stream velocity proportional to xm316
Calculation of the steady boundary layer on a body moving through fluid318
Growth of the boundary layer in initially irrotational flow321
5.10 Separation of the boundary layer325
5.11 The flow due to bodies moving steadily through fluid331
Flow without separation332
Flow with separation337
5.12 Jets, free shear layers and wakes343
Narrow jets343
Free shear layers346
5.13 Oscillatory boundary layers353
The damping force on an oscillating body355
Steady streaming due to an oscillatory boundary layer358
Applications of the theory of steady streaming361
5.14 Flow systems with a free surface364
The boundary layer at a free surface364
The drag on a spherical gas bubble rising steadily through liquid367
The attenuation of gravity waves370
5.15 Examples of use of the momentum theorem372
The force on a regular array of bodies in a stream372
The effect of a sudden enlargement of a pipe373
Chapter 6. Irrotational Flow Theory and its Applications378
6.1 The role of the theory of flow of an inviscid fluid378
6.2 General properties of irrotational flow380
Integration of the equation of motion382
Expressions for the kinetic energy in terms of surface integrals383
Kelvin’s minimum energy theorem384
Positions of a maximum of q and a minimum of P384
Local variation of the velocity magnitude386
6.3 Steady flow: some applications of Bernoulli’s theorem and the momentum theorem386
Efflux from a circular orifice in an open vessel387
Flow over a weir391
Jet of liquid impinging on a plane wall392
Irrotational flow which may be made steady by choice of rotating axes396
6.4 General features of irrotational flow due to a moving rigid body398
The velocity at large distances from the body399
The kinetic energy of the fluid402
The force on a body in translational motion404
The acceleration reaction407
The force on a body in accelerating fluid409
6.5 Use of the complex potential for irrotational flow in two dimensions409
Flow fields obtained by special choice of the function w(x)410
Conformal transformation of the plane of flow413
Transformation of a boundary into an infinite straight line418
Transformation of a closed boundary into a circle420
The circle theorem422
6.6 Two-dimensional irrotational flow due to a moving cylinder with circulation423
A circular cylinder424
An elliptic cylinder in translational motion427
The force and moment on a cylinder in steady translational motion433
6.7 Two-dimensional aerofoils435
The practical requirements of aerofoils435
The generation of circulation round an serofoil and the basis for Joukowski’s hypothesis438
Aerofoils obtained by transformation of a circle441
Joukowaki aerofoils444
6.8 Axisymmetric irrotational flow due to moving bodies449
A moving sphere452
Ellipsoids of revolution455
Body shapes obtained from source singularities on the axis of symmetry458
Semi-infinite bodies460
6.9 Approximate results for slender bodies463
Slender bodies of revolution463
Slender bodies in two dimensions466
Thin aerofoils in two dimensions467
6.10 Impulsive motion of a fluid471
Impact of a body on a free surface of liquid473
6.11 Large gas bubbles in liquid474
A spherical-cap bubble rising through liquid under gravity475
A bubble rising in a vertical tube477
A spherical expanding bubble479
6.12 Cavitation in a liquid481
Examples of cavity formation in steady flow482
Examples of cavity formation in unsteady flow485
Collapse of a transient cavity486
Steady-state cavities491
6.13 Free-streamline theory, and steady jets and cavities493
Jet emerging from an orifice in two dimensions495
Two-dimensional flow past a flat plate with a cavity at ambient pressure497
Steady-state cavities attached to bodies held in a stream of liquid502
Chapter 7. Flow of Effectively Inviscid Fluid with Vorticity507
7.1 Introduction507
The self-induced movement of a line vortex509
The instability of a sheet vortex511
7.2 Flow in unbounded fluid at rest at infinity517
The resultant force impulse required to generate the motion518
The total kinetic energy of the fluid520
Flow with circular vortex-lines521
Vortex rings522
7.3 Two-dimensional flow in unbounded fluid at rest at infinity527
Integral invariants of the vorticity distribution528
Motion of a group of point vortices530
Steady motions532
7.4 Steady two-dimensional flow with vorticity throughout the fluid536
Uniform vorticity in a region bounded externally538
Fluid in rigid rotation at infinity539
Fluid in simple shearing motion at infinity541
7.5 Steady axisymmetric flow with swirl543
The effect of a change of cross-section of a tube on a stream of rotating fluid546
The effect of a change of external velocity on an isolated vortex550
7.6 Flow systems rotating as a whole555
The restoring effect of Coriolis forces555
Steady flow at small Rossby number557
Propagation of waves in a rotating fluid559
Flow due to a body moving along the axis of rotation564
7.7 Motion in a thin layer on a rotating sphere567
Geostrophic flow571
Flow over uneven ground573
Planetary waves577
7.8 The vortex system of a wing580
General features of the flow past lifting bodies in three dimensions580
Wings of large aspect ratio, and ‘lifting-line’ theory583
The trailing vortex system far downstream589
Highly swept wings591
1 Measured values of some physical properties of common fluids594
(a) Dry air at a pressure of one atmosphere594
(b) The Standard Atmosphere595
(c) Pure water595
(d) Diffusivities for momentum and heat at 15 ℃ and I atm597
(e) Surface tension between two fluids597
2 Expressions for some common vector differential quantities in orthogonal curvilinear co-ordinate systems598
Publications referred to in the text604
Subject Index609
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