幽默图画英语一句通 名言【2025|PDF|Epub|mobi|kindle电子书版本百度云盘下载】

- 萧林编写;潘文辉,潘健梅绘画 著
- 出版社: 上海:东方出版中心
- ISBN:7806279822
- 出版时间:2003
- 标注页数:192页
- 文件大小:1MB
- 文件页数:213页
- 主题词:英语(学科: 口语) 英语(学科: 格言) 英语 口语 格言
幽默图画英语一句通 名言PDF格式电子书版下载
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1 A good heart is worth gold 好心胜的黄金。1
2 A light heart lives long 豁达者长寿。2
3 A stranger s eyes see clearest 旁观者清。3
4 A stitch in time saves nine 及时缝上一针可免将来缝九针。4
5 Adventures are to the adventurous 冒险活动属于冒险家的事业。5
6 All for one, one for all 人人为我,我为人人。6
7 All in not gold that glitters 闪亮的不全是金子。7
8 All is well that ends well 结局好就一切都好。8
9 Amends may never come too late 改过永远不嫌迟。9
10 Anger is a brief madness 发怒是一时的疯狂。10
11 Any correct is all a progress 任何改正都是进步。11
12 Appearances are deceptive 外表具有欺骗性。12
13 Art improves nature 艺术使自然更完美。13
14 Art is l,science is we 艺术是自我,科学是我们。14
15 Be a rascal among rascals 近墨者黑。15
16 Be not solitary, be not idle 不要遗世独立,不要虚度光阴。16
17 Beauty is truth, truth beauty 美即真,真即美。17
18 Beauty lives with kindness 美寓于善良。18
19 Better to give than take 施舍胜过受惠。19
20 Blushing is virtue s color 脸红的美德的颜色。20
21 Boys,be ambitious 年轻人应胸怀大志。21
22 Brevity is the soul of wit 言以简洁为贵。22
23 Business first; Pleasure afterwards 先工作。后娱乐。23
24 Certain signs precede events 事情发生。必有先兆。24
25 Character is destiny 性格即命运。25
26 Character is higher than intellect 品格比智力更崇高。26
27 Cleverness is better than force 智取胜过力夺。27
28 Cynicism is intellectual dandyism 愤世嫉俗是知识分子的时髦派头。28
29 Deeds,not words 少讲话。多做事。29
30 Delays breed dangers 拖延孕育着危险。30
31 Dishonesty is hard to hide 欺骗行为是难以掩饰的。31
32 Do not add evil with another 恶上勿加恶。32
33 Don t believe everything you hear 别听到什么就相信什么。33
34 Don t gild the lily 不要给百合花镀金。34
35 East or west,home is best 无论在何方,家总是最好的。35
36 Energy is eternal delight 精力充沛是永恒的快乐!36
37 Enrich yourselves 充实你自己。37
38 Envy has no holidays 嫉妒无假日。38
39 Every cloud has a silver lining 每朵乌云背后都有阳光。39
40 Everyone lives by selling something 人人靠出卖某种东西而生活。40
41 Everything has end 万事有结局。41
42 Everything must have a beginning 凡事必有开端。42
43 Evil things are neighbours to good 坏事与好事为邻。43
44 Fact is atranger than fiction 事实比小说更离奇。44
45 Failure is the mother of success 失败乃成功之母。45
46 Fantasy and reality often overlap 幻想与现实时常部分一致。46
47 Fiendship can only subsist between equals 不平等无友谊。47
48 Frugality is the mother of virtue 节俭是美德之母。48
49 Genius is eternal patience 天才是永恒的耐心。49
50 Genius is fostered by industry 天才来自勤奋。50
51 Glory gives the heart strength 光荣赋予 心灵以力量。51
52 Gold is pure of rust 真金不生锈。52
53 Good counsel has no pirce 忠告乃无价之宝。53
54 Great hope make great men 伟大的希望造就伟大的人。54
55 Great talkers little doers 伟大的空谈家。蹩脚的实干家。55
56 Grief in itself a medicine 悲痛本身是一帖药剂。56
57 Habit changes into character 习惯成自然。57
58 He is his own worst enemy 人之大敌乃自身。58
59 He laughs best who laughs last 谁笑到最后,谁就笑得最美。59
60 He that seeketh findeth 肯去寻觅的人才能有所发现。60
61 He who gains thme gains everythin 赢得时间,赢得一切。61
62 He who hesitates is lost 迟疑失良机。62
63 He who helps early helps twice 早帮忙等于帮两次。63
64 Health in better than wealth 健康胜于财富。64
65 Hedges have eyes, walls have ears 隔篱有限。隔墙有耳。65
66 Help with deeds. not words 口惠不如实至。66
67 History repeats itself 历史往往重演。67
68 Honesty is the best policy 坦诚是最好的策略。68
69 Honour is more precious than gold 荣誉比黄金还珍贵。69
70 Hope is very unruly emotion 希望是一种极难控制的激情。70
71 Hope is a waking dream 希望是一场清醒的梦。72
73 Idle folks have the least leisure 游手好闲的人最没有空闲。73
72 Human pride is human weakness 骄傲是人性的弱点。73
74 Idleness rusts the mind 懒散使人头脑衰退。74
75 Ill news travels fast 坏事传千里。75
76 In unity there is strength 团结就是力量。76
77 Industry produces riches 勤劳致富。77
78 It is evil to trust the enemy 相信敌人,害莫大焉。78
79 Justice is truth in action 公正就是真理付诸行动。79
80 Justifying a fault doubles it 护短错更大。80
81 Kindness always begets kindness 善有善果。81
82 Konw yourself 认识你自己。82
83 Knowledge is power 知识就是力量。83
84 Labour conquers all things 劳动可以战胜一切。84
85 Lazy folks take the most pains 偷懒的人吃最大的苦头。85
86 Let bygones be bygones 过去的就让它过去吧。86
87 Life has its ups and downs 人生一世有起有落。87
88 Like to like 物以类聚。88
89 Little pitchers have great ears 小水罐。把儿宽;小孩子,耳朵尖。89
90 Look before you leap 深思熟虑而后行。90
91 Love can vanquish death 爱情可以征服死亡。91
92 Love cannot be compelled 爱情是不能强迫的。92
93 Love is a kind of warfare 情场即战场。93
94 Love is a sweet torment 爱是一种甜蜜的痛苦。94
95 Love is love for evermore 爱情就是永恒的相爱。95
96 Love laughs at locksmith 爱情难禁锁。96
97 Love makes people inventive 爱情会激发人的创造力。97
98 Love makes the world go round 爱使世界转动。98
99 Love me, love my dog 爱我者,亦爱我的一切。99
100 Love me little, love me long 爱不贵亲密,而贵长久。100
101 love well,whip well 爱得深,教得严。101
102 Luck mever made a man wise 运气从来没有使人聪明。102
103 Make hay while the sun shines 晒草要趁太阳好。103
104 Make yourself mecessary to someone 使你自己成为别人所需要的人。104
105 Man creates the evil he endures 自作孽,自承受。105
106 Man is not made for defeat 人不是为失败而生存的。106
107 Man lives in hope 人生活在希望之中。107
108 Man proposes but God disposes 谋事在人,成事在天。108
109 Matches are made in heaven 佳偶天成。109
110 Men learm while they teach 教学相长。110
111 Money is round,and rolls away 金钱是圆的,而且是会滚走的。111
112 Much speech is an abomination 话多讨人嫌。112
113 My philosophy of life is work 我的人生哲学就是工作。113
114 Never do things by halves 凡事不要半途而废。114
115 Necessity is the mother of invention 需要是发明之母。115
116 Never judge from appearance 人不可貌相。116
117 Newspapers are the world s mirror 报纸是这个世界的镜子。117
118 No evil man is happy 恶人无幸福。118
119 No happiness lasts for long 幸福不久长。119
120 No one is born ready taught 无人生而知之。120
121 No one is wise at all time 智者亦有一时之失。121
122 No success in life merely happens 人生中没有一样成就纯属偶然。122
123 Nobody lives without faults 人无缺点世上无。123
124 Nothing can come of nothing 无中不能生有。124
125 Nothing venture, nothing have 不冒险者无所获。125
126 Obscurity often brings safety 默默无闻常得平安。126
127 One good turn deserves another 善有善报。127
128 One thing at a time 一次做一件事。128
129 Patience is a virtue 忍耐是美德。129
130 Peace is liberty in tranquility 和平是静谥中的自由。130
131 Practice makes perfect 熟能生巧。131
132 Practise what you preach 言出必行。132
133 Prejudice is the child of ignorance 偏见来自愚昧。133
134 Prevention is better than cure 防病胜于治病。134
135 Pride goes before a fall 骄者必败。135
136 Proceed and you may succeed 坚持下去,你就可能成功。136
137 Remember that credit is money 切记:信誉就是金钱。137
138 Science is organized knowledge 科学是有系统的知识。138
139 Second thoughts are best 一思不妥,再思最佳。139
140 Seizd the present opportunity 紧紧抓住当前的机遇。140
141 Self-help is the best hely 自力更生,远远胜于求人帮助。141
142 Self-knowledge is temperance 自知即克己。142
143 Silence is golden 沉默是金。143
144 Simple are the words of truth 至理名言朴实无华。144
145 Slow and steady wins the race 慢而稳者胜。145
146 Small streams make great rivers 细流汇成江河。146
147 Snowy winter, a plentiful harvest 瑞雪兆丰年。147
148 Sorrow makes us wise 忧伤使人明智。148
149 Speak little, do much 少说多做。149
150 Strike while the iron is hot 趁热打铁。150
151 Strong reasons make strong actions 强有力的理由产生强有力的行动。151
152 Study, study, and study 学习,学习,再学习。152
153 Take time by the forelock 把握目前的时机。153
154 Survival of the fittest 适者生存。154
155 Talkers are no good doers 空谈家绝不是好的实干家。155
156 The beautiful is life 美即生活。156
157 The career open to talents 事业的大门为有才之士敞开着。157
158 The die is cast 决心已下,有进无退。158
159 The first wealth is health 健康是第一财富。159
160 The good is the beautiful 善的就是美的。160
161 The merchant has no country 商人没有国界。161
162 The sun shines upon all alike 太阳普照万物、一视同仁。162
163 Thought is the seed of action 思考是行动的种子。163
164 Time flies 光阴似箭。164
165 Time is money 时间就是金钱。165
166 To choose time is to save time 选择时间就是节省时间。166
167 To think is to see 思考就是明白。167
168 Today is the pupil of yesterday 今日是昨日的学生。168
169 Too much cleverness is folly 过分聪明反成愚蠢。169
170 True nobility is exempt from fear 真正高尚的人是无所畏惧的。170
171 Unhappy, hope; happy, be cautious 不幸时,抱有希望;幸福时,提高警惕。171
172 Using an ox to hunt a hare 用牛捕兔,小题大作。172
173 Vainglory blossoms but never bears 虚荣光开花,永远不结果。173
174 Virtue never grows old 美德永不衰老。174
175 Wars bring scars 战争给人带来创伤。175
176 Waste not, want not 不浪费,不缺乏。176
177 Well begun is half done 良好的开端等于完成了一半。177
178 What is a man but his mind? 没有思想者何得称之为人?178
179 When we love, we live 当我们相爱时,我们才真正地生活。179
180 Who could live without hope? 没有希望,谁能生活下去呢?180
181 Wisdom begets wealth 智慧生财。181
182 Wisdom comes by suffering 吃一堑,长一智。182
183 Wisdom grows by taking pains 苦干长才智。183
184 Wisdom is only found is truth 唯有在真理中才可找到智慧。184
185 Without confidence there is no friendship 不信任,无友谊。185
186 Without friendship, life is nothing 倘若无友谊,生活没乐趣。186
187 Work is much more fun than fun 工作比娱乐更有趣。187
188 Yesterday will not be called again 时光一去不复返。188
189 You can t please everyone 一人难称众人心。189
190 Youth is life s seed-time 青年时代是人生的播种期。190
191 Youth means love 青春意味着爱情。191
192 Zeal should not outrun discretion 热情不应压倒谨慎。192
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