
- 潘绍山等主编 著
- 出版社: 北京:科学技术文献出版社
- ISBN:7502334807
- 出版时间:2001
- 标注页数:478页
- 文件大小:28MB
- 文件页数:503页
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上篇 管理理论篇 Section one:management theory3
第一章 管理学与护理管理(Selence of management and nursing management)3
第一节 管理学概论(Introduction to science of management)3
一、管理、管理学与现代管理学(Management、Science of management and science of modern management)3
二、管理的基本特征(The basic characteristic of management)4
三、管理的职能(The functions of management)5
四、管理理论的产生和发展(The emergence and development of management)7
五、管理学和护理管理学(Science of management and science of nursing management)12
第二节 现代护理管理学概述(Introduction to science of modern nursing management)13
一、护理管理的概念与内容(The concept and content of nursing management)13
二、护理管理的特点(The characteristics of nursing management)13
三、现代护理管理学及研究对象(Science of modern nursing management and it s studying object)14
四、现代护理管理学的学科体系(The branches of modern nursing management)14
第三节 科学管理在护理工作中的地位与作用(The status and role of scientific management in nursing)14
第二章 现代护理管理的基本理论(The basic theories of nursing management)17
第一节 系统原理及其相应原则(Systeatic theory and principles)17
一、系统原理(Systematic theory)17
二、管理对象(The objects of managing)18
三、系统原理在护理管理中的应用(The use of systeatic theory in nursing management)19
第二节 “人本”原理及其相应原则(Humanism theory and principles)21
一、“人本”原理的概念(The concept of humanism theory)21
二、“人本”原理的实质(The essence of humainsm theory)21
三、“人本”原理在护理管理中的应用(The use of humanism theory in nursing management)21
第三节 动态原理及其相应原则(Dynamics theory and its principles)24
一、管理是一个动态过程(Management is a dynamic process)24
二、动态原理的概念与要求(The concept and requirement of dynamics theory)24
三、动态原理在护理管理中的应用(The use of dynamics theory in nursing management)25
第四节 效益原理及其相应原则(Benefit theory and principles)26
一、管理的根本目的(The basic purpose of management)26
二、效益原理的概念(Benefit theory)27
三、价值原则在护理管理中的应用(The use of value principle in nursing management)27
第三章 护理管理过程(The process of nursing management)29
第一节 护理程序与护理管理过程(Nursing process and the process of nursing management)29
一、护理程序概述(The outline of nursing process)29
二、护理程序与护理管理过程(Nursing process and the process of nursing management)31
第二节 计划(Planning)32
一、计划的概念(The concept of planning)32
二、计划工作的作用(The role of planning)33
三、计划的种类(The kinds of planning)34
四、计划的步骤(The process of planning)34
五、计划的原则与方法(The principles and methods of planning)35
第三节 实施(Implementation)37
一、实施的概念与特点(The concept and characteristics of implementation)37
二、实施的作用(The effect of implementation)37
三、实施的准备工作(Preparations for implementing)38
四、实施过程中的各种管理方法与技术的综合运用(Synthetic use of all kinds of managing methods and akills in implement)39
第四节 控制(Control)40
一、控制的含义及其发展(The meaning and development of control)40
二、控制的分类(The classification of contol)40
三、控制的基本过程(The basic process of control)41
四、控制的条件及要遵循的原则(The conditions and the principles for control)42
五、控制技术(The skills of control)43
第五节 评价(Evaluation)44
一、评价的概念和作用(The concept and role of evaluation)44
二、评价的要素和原则(The essence and principles of evaluation)45
三、评价的内容和指标体系(The content and indexes of evaluation)46
四、几种常见的评价方法(Several common methods of evaluation)47
第四章 护理管理的发展与趋势(The development and trend of nursing management)50
第一节 护理学发展概述(Outline of the development of nursing)50
一、护理学发展简史(The brief history of nursing)50
二、护理学概念及其演变过程(The concept of nursing and it s developing process)52
三、护理模式的形成与发展(The formation and development of nursing model)53
第二节 我国医院护理管理的形成与发展(The formation and development of nursing management in China)58
一、我国护理管理的发展简史(The brief history of nursing management in China)58
二、当前护理管理面临的挑战(The present challenge met by nursing management)60
三、护理管理的发展趋势(The developing trend of nursing management)62
第三节 国外医院护理管理(Nursing management abroad)65
一、国外医院护理管理的发展简史(The brief development history of nursing management abroad)65
二、目前国外的护理管理体制(Present nursing management system abroad)66
三、临床护理制度(Clinic nursing system)67
四、护理质量管理体系(Quality management system of nursing)70
中篇 管理方法篇 Section two:management methods73
第五章 护理管理的技术与方法(The skill and methods of nursing management)73
第一节 目标管理(Manageent by objective)73
一、目标管理的概念与特征(The concept and characteristics of MBO)73
二、目标管理的程序(The procedure of MBO)74
三、目标管理的意义(The significance of MBO)74
四、MBO在护理工作中的应用(The use of MBO in nursing)74
第二节 预测技术(Prediction skills)75
一、预测的基本概念和特点(The concept and characteristics of prediction)75
二、预测的分类(The classification of prediction)76
三、预测的基本步骤(The basic steps of prediction)76
四、预测的方法(The methods of prediction)77
第三节 决策技术(Skills of decision-making)78
一、决策的概念及作用(The concept and role of decision-making)78
二、决策的要素(The essence of decision-making)78
三、决策的分类(The classification of decision-making)79
四、决策的程序(The procedure of decision-making)79
五、决策技术(Skills of decision-making)81
第四节 管理的行政方法(Administrative methods of management)83
一、行政方法的概念与实质(The concept and essence of administrative methods)83
二、行政方法的特点与作用(The characteristics and roles of administrative methods)83
三、行政方法在护理管理中的应用及其注意事项(The use and attentions of administrative methods in nursing management)84
第五节 管理的经济方法(Economic methods of management)85
一、经济方法的概念与实质(The concept and essence of economic methods)85
二、经济方法的特点(The characteristics of economic methods)86
三、经济方法在护理管理中的运用及其注意事项(The use and attentions of economic methods in nursing management)87
第六节 网络计划技术(Network program technique)88
一、网络计划技术的概念与优点(The concept and advantages of network program technique)88
二、网络图的构成要素(The forming essences of network scheme)88
三、网络图的绘制(Drawing of network scheme)89
第七节 综合评价法在护理管理中的运用(The use of synthetical evaluation in nursing management)90
一、对评价指标的数据处理(Digital handling of evaluating targets)91
二、确定评论指标的权重(Determine the proportions of evaluating targets)92
三、进行综合评价(Synthetical evaluate)94
第八节 计算机技术(Computer techniques)96
一、计算机与信息处理(Computer and information handling)96
二、国内、外医院信息系统发展概况(The introduction of domestic and abroad hospital information systems development)98
三、计算机在护理领域中的应用概况(The use of computer in nursing)99
第六章 现代护理管理学与相关学科(Modern nursing management and related subjects)105
第一节 伦理学与护理管理(Ethics and nursing management)105
一、伦理学与护理伦理学(Ethics and nursing ethics)105
二、护理道德在护理管理中的作用(The role of nursing morality in nursing management)105
三、护理管理的道德责任(Moral responsibilities of nursing management)106
四、实施护理道德管理的方法(The methods of implementing nursing morality management)108
第二节 心理学与护理管理(Psychology and nursing management)110
一、心理学与管理心理学(Psychology and managing psychology)110
二、医院心理环境(Hospital psychological environment)111
三、护理群体心理与管理(Psychology of nurses and management)112
四、保护护理人员的心理与心理健康(Protecting the physiological and psychological health of nurses)113
五、护理部人员心理结构与协调(The psychological condition and coordination of nursing department)114
第三节 法学与护理管理(Law and nursing management)117
一、护理立法的目标和意义(The aim and significance of nursing legislation)117
二、护理立法程序(The procedure of nursing legislation)118
三、护理法的种类和内容(The varieties and content of nursing law)119
四、护理立法应坚持的基本原则(The basic principles for nursing legislation)119
五、护理工作中潜在性法律问题(The potential law problems in nursing work)120
第四节 美学与护理管理(Aesthetics and nursing management)122
一、美学的基本原理(The basic principles of aesthetics)122
二、美学的护理管理中的作用(The role of aesthetics in nursing management)124
三、护理管理中的审美实施(The implement of aesthetic in nursing management)124
第七章 护理领导艺术(Nursing leadership art)128
第一节 现代领导艺术的内涵、特点和功能(The intention,characteristics and functions of modern leadership art)128
一、领导艺术的概念(The concept of leadership art)128
二、领导艺术的特点(The characteristics of leadership art)129
三、领导艺术的功能(The functions of leadership art)130
第二节 护理领导者素质修养艺术(The quality training art of nursing leaders)130
一、德的修养艺术(The training art of morality)131
二、识的修养艺术(The training art of knowledge)132
三、才的修养艺术(The training art of ability)133
四、学的修养艺术(The training art of learning)133
五、体的修养艺术(The training art of posture)133
第三节 护理管理艺术(Management art of nursing)133
一、用人艺术(Art of making use of personnel)133
二、激励艺术(Art of encouraging)134
三、沟通艺术(Art of communication)137
四、协调艺术(Art of coordinating)140
五、思维艺术(Art of thinking)147
六、语言表达艺术(Art of languages)150
七、开会的艺术(Art of meetings)154
下篇 管理实践篇 Section three:management practice159
第八章 护理组织管理(Management of nursing organization)159
第一节 概述(Introduction)159
一、组织的概念(The concept of organization)159
二、组织原则(The principles of organization)159
三、组织结构的基本类型(The basic types of organization structure)161
第二节 我国护理组织管理体制(Management system of nursing organization in China)166
一、我国的护理管理体制(The management system of nursing in China)166
二、医院护理管理体制(The management system of nursing organization in hospital)167
第三节 护理人员的配备(The equipment of nurses)168
一、我国护理人员配备方法(The equipment methods of nurses in China)168
二、国外护理人员配备方法(The equipment methods of nurses abroad)170
第四节 护理部的组织与工作(The organization and work of nursing department)171
一、护理部的组织结构(The organization structure of nursing department)171
二、护理部的作用、特点和任务(The role,characteristics and tasks of nursing department)171
三、护理部人员结构与素质要求(The personnel structure and requirements of quality in nursing department)172
第九章 护理人才管理(Management of qualified nurses)176
第一节 概述(Introduction)176
一、护理人才的概念(The concept qualified nurses)176
二、护理人才管理的概念(The concept of the management of qualified nurses)176
第二节 护理人才类型与要求(The types and requirements of qualified nurses)177
一、护理管理人才(Qualified nurses manager)177
二、护理教育人才(Qualified nurses teachers)177
三、临床护理专家(Clinic nurse specialist)177
第三节 护理人才管理系统(Management system of qualified nurses)178
一、护理人才的规划(Program of qualified nurses)178
二、护理人才的识别(Recognizing of qualified nurses)180
三、护理人才的选拔(Selecting of qualified nurses)180
四、护理人才的培养(Training qualified nurses)182
五、护理人才的考核(Assessment of qualified nurses)183
六、护理人才的使用(Using of qualified nurses)190
附 护理人员的技术职务、任职条件与晋升考核(The technical titles, professional requirement and promotion examination of nurse)191
第十章 护理质量管理(Management of nursing quality)195
第一节 质量管理概述(The introduction of quality management)195
二、质量管理(Quality management)196
三、质量管理发展简史(A simple history of quality management)196
四、ISO9000系列标准与护理质量管理(A series norms of ISO9000 and nursing quality management)198
第二节 护理质量管理概述(The introduction of nursing quality management)201
一、护理质量的概念(The concept of nursing quality)201
二、护理质量的特性(The characteristics of nursing quality)201
三、护理质量管理的概念(The concept of nursing quality management)202
四、护理质量管理的原则(The principles of nursing quality management)202
五、护理质量管理的任务(The tasks of nursing quality management)203
第三节 护理质量体系的建立与实施(The establishment and implement of nursing quality system)204
一、护理质量体系的概念(The concept of nursing quality system)204
二、护理质量体系的基本要素(The basic essences of nursing quality systme)204
三、护理质量体系动作要素(The working essences of nursing quality system)209
四、护理质量体系的建立与实施(The establishment and implement of nursing quality system)211
第四节 护理质量管理的方法与技术(The methods and skills of nursing quality systme)212
一、质量管理的工作程序--PDCA循环(The working procedure of quality management,the PDCA circle)212
三、调查表法(Inquiry tables)215
四、排列图法(Pareto chart)216
五、因果分析图(Cause and effect chart)217
六、控制图(Control chart)219
七、直方图(Right square chart)219
八、散布图(Spotting chart)221
第五节 护理质量评价(The evaluating of nursing quality)222
一、评价形式(The evaluating forms)222
二、评价方法(The methods evaluating)222
三、评价中应警觉的问题(Problems for attention in evaluating)223
第十一章 护理标准与标准化(Nursing standards and standardization)226
第一节 概述(Introduction)226
一、标准与标准化的概念(Concepts of standards and standardization)226
二、护理标准与标准化(Nursing standards and standardization)226
第二节 护理标准的制定与实施(Establshing and implementing of nursing standards)227
一、护理标准的制定(Establishing of nursing standards)227
二、护理标准的实施(Implementing of nursing standards)229
第三节 护理标准体系(Nursing standard system)231
一、护理标准体系的层次结构(The gradation of nursing standard system)231
二、医院护理标准体系的分类(The classification of hospital nursing standard system)232
附 某三级甲等医院护理标准体系(Introduction a hospital s nursing standards system)233
第十二章 临床护理教育管理(Management of clinic nursing education)261
第一节 概述(Introduction)261
一、临床护理教育的概念(The concept of clinic nursing education)261
二、临床护理教育的组织管理(The organization and management of clinic nursing education)261
第二节 新护士的岗前培训(The pre-post training of newly graduated nurses)262
二、岗前培训的内容(Content of pre-post training)262
三、岗前培训的方法(The methods of pre-post training)264
四、岗前培训的考核(The examination of pre-post training)264
第三节 护士规范化培训(Standardization education of nurses)265
二、护士规范化培训的内容与方法(The contents and methods of nurses standardization education)265
三、护士规范化培训的考核与管理(Examination and management of nurses standardization education)267
附 国家卫生部《临床护士规范化培训试行办法》(The temporary stipulates of clinic nurses standardization education)269
第四节 继续护理学教育(Continuing nursing education)272
二、继续护理学教育的培训内容与形式(The training contents and patterns of continuing nursing education)273
三、继续护理学教育分授予与管理(The granting and management of continuing nursing education)273
附 国家卫生部《继续护理学教育试行办法》(The temporary stipulates of continuing nursing education)287
第五节 进修生的临床培训(The clinic teaching of graduate students)288
一、目标与要求(Targets and requirements)288
二、进修生应具备的条件(Conditions the graduate students should have)289
三、进修生临床教育内容(The clinic teaching content of graduate students)289
四、临床带教师资与带教方法(Teachers and methods of clinical teaching)289
五、进修生的管理(Management of graduate students)290
第六节 临床护理培训中心的管理(Management of clinical nursing training center)290
二、布局与设备(The layout and equipment)291
三、管理要求(The management rules)291
第十三章 护理技术管理(Management of nursing technique)292
第一节 概述(Introduction)292
一、护理技术管理的概念与意义(The concept and meaning of nursing technique)292
二、护理技术管理的原则(The principles of the nursing technique management)293
三、护理技术管理的对象(The objects of the nursing technique management)294
四、护理技术管理的方法(The methods of the nursing technique management)294
第二节 基础护理技术管理(Management of basic nursing technique)295
一、基础护理技术的概念与特点(The concept and characteristics of basic nursing technique)295
二、基础护理技术的内容(The content of basic nursing technique)296
三、基础护理技术的管理(Management of basic nursing technique)296
第三节 专科护理技术管理(Special nursing technique management)298
一、专科护理技术的概念及特点(The concept and characeristics of special nursing technique)298
二、专科护理技术的内容(The content of special nursing technique)299
三、专科护理技术管理(Management of special nursing technique)299
第十四章 护理学科学技术研究管理(Management of nursing scientific technological resarch)302
第一节 概述(Intodction)302
第二节 护理学科学技术研究的特点与任务(The characteristics and tasks of nursing scientific technological research)303
一、护理学科学技术研究的特点(The characteristics of nursing scientific technological research)303
二、护理学科学技术研究的任务(The tasks of nursing scientific technological research)303
第三节 临床护理科学技术研究的组织、实施与管理(The organization,implement and management of nursing scientific technological research)305
一、护理科学技术研究的组织领导(The organization and leadership of nursing scientific technological research)305
二、护理科学技术研究的基本程序与管理(The basic procedure and management of nursing scientific technological research)306
第十五章 护理资源管理(Management of nursing resource)314
第一节 护理人力资源管理(Management of nursing human resource)314
一、护理人力规划(Planning of nursing human resource)314
二、护理人员的招聘与甄选(The recruiting and selecting of nurses)316
三、护理人员的排班(Duty scheduling of nurses)317
第二节 护理物品设备管理(Management of nursing articles and equipment)318
一、护理物品管理(Management of nursing articles)319
二、护理设备管理(Management of nursing equipment)319
三、易消耗品管理(Management of easily-consumed articles)320
四、常用药物管理(Management of common medicines)320
第三节 护理经费管理(Manageent of nursing financial)320
一、护理经费的来源(Nursing financial resource)321
二、编制护理经费预算(Budget nursing financial)321
三、护理经费的管理(Management of nursing financial)321
第四节 时间管理(Time management)322
一、时间管理的意义(The significance of time management)322
二、时间管理的内容和方法(The contents and methods of time management)323
三、实施程序化管理(Implement of procedure management)325
第五节 护理信息管理(Management of nursing information)327
一、护理信息的概念、作用(The concept and role of nursing information)328
二、护理信息的分类与管理(The classification and management of nursing information)329
三、护理业务技术资料档案管理(The management of nursing professional and technological files)330
四、护理期刊管理(Management of nursing periodicals)331
第十六章 医院感染与护理管理(Noscomial infection and nursing management)333
第一节 医院感染的概述(The introduction of nosocomial infection)333
一、医院感染的分类(The classification of nosocomial infection)333
二、医院感染的病原体(The pathogenic icroorganisms of nosocomial infection)333
三、医院感染的感染链(Infection chain of nosocomial infection)334
四、判别医院感染或非医院感染的原则(The principles of distinguishing noscomial and non-nosocomial infections)335
五、医院感染的流行病学指标及统计方法(Epidemiological indexes and statistic methods of nosocomial infection)335
六、医院感染的控制和预防(Control and prevention of nosocomial infection)337
七、我国医院感染监控系统的概况(General situation of monitoring system of nosocomial infection in China)338
第二节 常见医院感染(Common nosocomial infections)339
一、下呼吸道感染(Infection in inferior respiratory system)339
二、尿路感染(Infection in urethra)340
三、外科切口感染(Surgical wound infections)341
第三节 医院感染的护理管理(The nursing management of nosocomial infections)341
一、医院感染管理的重要性及其任务(The importance and tasks of management of nosocomial infections)341
二、护理管理在医院感染管理中的地位(Status of nursing management in management of nosocomial infections)342
三、医院感染的护理管理(The nursing management of nosocomial infections)342
第十七章 护理规章制度与护理安全管理(Management of nursing institution and nursing safety)344
第一节 护理规章制度管理(Management of nursing institution)344
一、护理规章制度的意义(The significance of nursing institution)344
二、制定规章制度的原则(The principles of establishing nursing institution)345
三、护理规章制度的管理(Management of nursing institution)345
四、重点护理制度(The important nursing regulations)346
第二节 护理安全管理(Management of nursing safety)349
一、护理安全的重要性(The importance of nursing safety)349
二、护理安全的相关因素(The relative factors of nursing safety)350
三、护理安全的控制(The control of nursing safety)351
第三节 护理缺陷管理(Management of defections in nursing)352
一、护理缺陷的定义和分类(The definition and classification of defections in nursing)352
二、护理缺陷的处理(The handling of defections in nursing)353
三、护理差错率的计算与评定(The calculation and evaluation of mistake rate in nursing)354
第十八章 临床护理支持中心(Clinic nursing assistant center)357
第一节 概述(Introduction)357
一、建立临床护理支持中心的意义(The significance of establishing clinic nursing assistant center)357
二、临床护理支持中心的职能及任务(The functions and tasks of clinic nursing assistant center)358
三、临床护理支持中心的管理模式(The managing models of clinic nursing assistant center)359
第二节 临床护理支持中心的管理(Management of clinic nursing assistant center)360
一、临床护理支持中心的组织结构(The organization of clinic nursing assistant center)360
二、工勤人员的招聘、培训与管理(The recruiting,training and management of the assistant nursing workers)361
三、各类人员职责与工作质量标准(The duties and quality standards of various staff)362
四、保洁、运送工作质量标准(The quality standards of sanitation and transportation workers)364
第十九章 整体护理(Holism nursing care)366
第一节 概述(Introduction)366
一、整体护理的历史背景(The historical background of holism nursing care)366
二、整体护理的基本概念(The basic concepts of holism nursing care)367
三、整体护理与责任制护理的关系及区别(The relationship and the differences between holism nursing care and primary nursing)367
第二节 模式病房建设(Establishing model unit)368
一、建立模式病房的必要性(The essentiality of establishing model unit)368
二、模式病房建立的基本程序(The basic procedure of establishing model unit)369
三、模式病房项目建设(Project building of model unit)369
第三节 整体护理实施的难点与对策(The difficulties and countermeasures of implementing holism nursing care)381
一、护理人力资源的不足及其对策(The shortage of nursing human resorurce and the countermeasures)381
二、护理人员观念转变难,综合素质不高及其对策(The difficulty of changing ideas,under-quality of nurses and the counter measures)382
第二十章 社区护理管理(Management of community nursing)384
第一节 社区护理概述(The introduction of community nursing)384
一、社区护理的概念(The concept of community nursing)384
二、社区护理的范畴(The category of community nursing)385
三、社区护理的目标与任务(The targets and tasks of community nursing)385
第二节 护士在社区护理工作中的职责(The duties of nurse in community nursing)386
一、社区护理工作的重点--三级预防(The focus of community nursing--the tertiary prevention)386
二、社区护士的职责(The duties of community nurses)387
三、社区护理专家的特征与任务(The characteristics and tasks of community nursing specialist)388
四、初级卫生保健中的防治工作(The prevention and treatment in primary health care)389
第三节 社区护理管理(Management of community nursing)390
一、社区护理的组织形式(The organization styles of community nursing)390
二、社区护士的要求与培训(The requirements and training of community nurses)391
三、社区护理质量控制(The quality control of community nursing)391
四、社区护理管理(Management of community nursing)392
第二十一章 科室护理单元的布局、设备与业务管理(The layout,equipment and professional management of nursing units)394
第一节 门诊部护理管理(Nursing management in out-patient department)394
一、门诊总体建筑设计(The general construction of out-patient department)394
二、门诊科室布局与设备(The layout and equipment of all sections in out-patient department)395
三、护理工作特点(Characteristic of nursing work)396
四、护理业务管理(Nursing professional management)397
第二节 急诊科护理管理(Nursing management in emergency department)400
一、布局与设备(The layout and equipment)400
二、学科现状与护理工作特点(Specialty presentation and characteristic of nursing work)402
三、护理业务管理(Nursing professional management)402
第三节 重症监护病房护理管理(Nursing management in intensive care unit)404
一、布局与设备(The layout and equipment)405
二、学科现状及护理工作特点(Specialty presentation and characteristic of nursing work)406
三、护理业务管理(Nursing professional management)406
第四节 手术室护理管理(Nursing management in operation room)409
一、布局与设备(The layout and equipment)409
二、护理工作特点(Characteristic of nursing work)410
三、护理业务管理(Nursing professional management)411
第五节 消毒供应科(室)护理管理(Nursing management in department of sterilizing and supplying)414
一、布局与设备(The layout and equipment)414
二、护理业务管理(Nursing professional management)416
第六节 血液净化科护理管理(Nursing management in department of hemodialysis)421
一、布局与设备(The layout and equipment)421
二、学科现状及护理工作特点(Specialty presentation and characteristic of nursing work)422
三、护理业务管理(Nursing professional management)423
第七节 微侵袭神经外科护理管理(Nursing management in γ-kinfe therapy center)427
一、布局与设备(The layout and equipment)427
二、学科现状与护理工作特点(Specialty presentation and characteristic of nursing work)428
三、护理业务管理(Nursing professional management)429
第八节 妇产科护理管理(Nursing management in department of obstetrics and gynecology)432
一、布局与设备(The layout and equipment)432
二、学科现状与护理工作特点(Specialty presentation and characteristic of nursing work)434
三、护理业务管理(Nursing professional management)435
第九节 儿科护理管理(Nursing management in department of paediatrics)437
一、布局与设备(The layout and equipment)437
二、学科现状与护理工作特点(Specialty presentation and characteristic of nursing work)437
三、护理业务管理(Nursing professional management)438
第十节 涉外病房护理管理(Nursing management in ward concerning foreign patient)440
一、布局与设备(The layout and equipment)440
二、学科现状与护理工作特点(Specialty presentation and characteristic of nursing work)440
三、护理业务管理(Nursing professional management)441
第十一节 整形外科护理管理(Nursing management in department of plastic surgery)442
一、布局与设备(The layout and equipment)442
二、学科现状与护理工作特点(Specialty presentation and characteristic of nursing work)442
三、护理业务管理(Nursing professional management)443
第十二节 传染科护理管理(Nursing management in department of infectious disease)445
一、布局与设备(The layout and equipment)445
二、学科现状与护理工作特点(Specialty presentation and characteristic of nursing work)445
三、护理业务管理(Nursing professional management)446
第十三节 普通病区的布局、设备与护理管理(The layout,equipment and nursing management of general wark)447
一、布局与设备(The layout and equipment)447
二、护理业务管理(Nursing professional management)450
附 中华人民共和国护士管理办法(Nurse management stipulation of The People s Republic of China)472
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